Councilman Jonathan Hall refuses to disclose campaign donors or how he spent thousands of dollars, in violation of state law

State law is clear – when you run for an office you must disclose who contributes money to your campaign and categorize how you spend those dollars. Jonathan Hall, running for Metro Council D1, has $7,050 in contributions from individuals he refuses to disclose the identity of, and over $11,000 in cash/misc purchases he refuses to say what they were for.

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Metro Councilman says he’s “not paying” a court-ordered judgment for campaign signs, didn’t even show up for court

Metro Councilman Jonathan refused to show up for a court date after being served and says he’s “not paying” the judgment ordered by the Judge. He’s left a small business owner out over $7,000 for his campaign signs from the last election, despite repeated promises to make it right.

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Council Member Jonathan Hall sued for theft of services – hasn’t paid for campaign merchandise

Metro Council Member Jonathan Hall is being sued for theft of services & unjust enrichment, after he hired Logoz, Inc. to produce his campaign merchandise, and refuses to pay the bill. Hall is a member of the Budget & Finance committee on the council.

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