Too drunk for Percy Priest Lake: Lucille Gonyea & Dominic Napolitan arrested on jet ski

TWRA Officers observed 42-year-old Lucille Gonyea & 58-year-old Dominic Napolitan on a jet ski near Hamilton Creek while visibly intoxicated. Dominic was operating the vessel with a half-worn life jacket while holding a styrofoam cup he attempted to hide when the officer approached. Both parties reportedly reeked of alcohol, and Dominic performed poorly on field sobriety tests. TWRA Officer Joshua Landrum took both parties into custody.

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White Claws lead to BUI related charges at Party Cove for Taylor Hampton Elliott

An officer with the TWRA says 27-year-old Taylor Hampton Elliott gave the open can of White Claw he was drinking to a nearby swimmer as he approached him and his jet ski on Percy Priest Lake near Party Cove this weekend. Elliott is charged with being heavily intoxicated while recklessly operating a jet ski. BUI charges now carry the same weight as DUI charges in Tennessee. He is free on pre-trial release.

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BUI: Man says he last smoked weed back when the ‘sun was still up’… it was currently 6PM & sunny

At 6 p.m. Saturday on Percy Priest Lake, TWRA Officer Joshua Landrum asked 24-year-old Jet Skier Orrie Reed Whitton when he last smoked marijuana. Landrum replied: “when the sun was still up”. The agent reminded him the sun had been up for the last 12 hours, and wouldn’t set for another 2. Landrum was jailed on 5 charges this weekend, and he reportedly told the officer he “doesn’t care what happens to him”.

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