Jill Harp to West End Hotel: “I’m staying here, with or without a room!”

43-year-old Jill Harp was found in the lobby of the Graduate Nashville Hotel near Vanderbilt in the early morning hours of January 6. Police say she was not a guest of the hotel, and security had asked her to leave the property multiple times. Harp reportedly told security she needed a place to sleep and was going to stay at the hotel “with or without a room!” As officers arrived to take her into custody for criminal trespass, she slipped her handcuffs once inside the patrol car, and she maneuvered in a way that allowed her to attempt to kick out the back window during transport to booking.

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Wayne Northern says he didn’t drink before DUI crash

Metro Nashville Police say 31-year-old Daanwayne “Wayne” Northern was unconscious behind the wheel of his black SUV when they found him collided with a barrier wall at 14th & Broadway in the early hours of Thursday morning. Once he was awake and alert, Northern claimed she didn’t have anything to drink and was coming from his girlfriend’s apartment on Broadway. Officers report he reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech during their interactions. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for DUI.

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Lovers lash out, unable to find a stripper to spend money on — Adrianna Scivally, arrested

21-year-old Adrianna Scivally and Joshiana Moore have been lovers for the past six years but are currently broken up, though they still live together. Early Saturday morning, the two were at Deja Vu on Church Street in Nashville, where they decided to spend their money on a specific dancer that they both had an interest in. However, when they couldn’t find that specific stripper, Scivally became irate and began to push and hit her on-again/off-again lover. She retrieved an iPad from the vehicle and hit the victim in the head with it, leaving a significant bruise on the victim. The two then had a fistfight in the parking lot until police arrived.

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DUI: Police knock on Jordan Rafferty’s door when she simply goes home after a hit-and-run

27-year-old Jordan Rafferty blew a 0.183% BAC on a breathalyzer when police eventually tracked her down and knocked on her door after she crashed her silver Mazda sedan into a flatbed construction vehicle on Murphy Road and fled the scene. Her car sustained “severe front end damage” and was located in the parking lot of her apartment complex with all airbags deployed. She claims someone at the scene told her to drive home and not worry about it. Witnesses at the scene say she fled the scene as quickly as she collided with the truck. Her Instagram story revealed her at a table with drinks at Otto’s Bar just before the hit-and-run. Rafferty admitted to having “a few glasses” of wine.

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Man in bathrobe assaults ex-girlfriend on toilet, smashes iPhone, jealous over new lover — Tyler Fogarty

32-year-old Tyler Fogarty is charged with domestic assault and vandalism after a series of visits to his ex-girlfriend’s home this week using a spare key he retained. The victim reports on the first night she sustained bruises to her arms and chest after he pulled her from a bathroom toilet, dragging her across the floor in an attempt to take her iPhone due to being jealous over her dating another man. The following night, he reappeared at 3 a.m. wearing a bathrobe and again confronted her about the same issue. During this visit, he was able to take the phone and the victim was able to use her Apple Watch to call 911 as he destroyed her iPhone after looking through it. Tyler Fogarty is free on a $4,500 bond.

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Woman assaulted by Florida tourist in reported rape attempt; He’s jailed for 153 minutes before pre-trial release — Patrick Schiebel

As a young woman walked alone in Midtown late Monday evening, she says a man began to “cat all” her, and as she continued past him she says he firmly grabbed her arm. As she began to fight back, he reportedly told her he was going to rape her. She was able to break away from the man, identified as 30-year-old Patrick Schiebel, and flee to a nearby apartment building with a visible concierge who let her inside and called 911. Metro Nashville Police officers located the man but refused to charge him themselves since they didn’t witness it. MNPD escorted the victim to night court, where a magistrate signed a simple assault private prosecution warrant. The tourist was jailed for 153 minutes before being given pre-trial release and set free, despite a magistrate setting his bond at $10,000.

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Woman breaks shoe while kicking boyfriend after another girl sat in his lap at Jason Aldean’s Bar

22-year-old Cassandra Dudzinski is charged with #DomesticAssault after police responded to TriStar Centennial Medical Center where they found her boyfriend, Aaron Shah, with a “softball-sized bruise” under his right knee, and Cassandra with a broken heel on her shoe. Aaron says she kicked him after another woman sat in his lap at Jason Aldean’s bar.

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