Colorado Tourist Joshua Shannon unable to pay tab at Honky Tonk Central in downtown Nashville

40-year-old Joshua Shannon, of Grand Junction, CO, is free on pre-trial release after Metro Nashville Police say he ran up a bar tab of $289.34 at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville and was unable to pay it. Officers responded to the venue just before 6 p.m. Thursday, where he attempted to pay using all four credit cards, each of which was declined. During his arrest for theft of services, officers recovered and charged him with a small amount of marijuana in his pants pocket.

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77-year-old admits to pointing gun at husband of 54 years over missing painting

77-year-old Bobbie Peoples is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police say she pointed a gun at her husband of 54 years and demanded to know what he did with the painting of a dog she was currently working on. The husband called the police to report he was afraid she would shoot him.

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