Woman sits on road with her child amid traffic after rear-ending another driver, screaming she’s a racist

Metro Police say 31-year-old Brittany Trice rear-ended a car in South Nashville, exited her vehicle, screamed at the other driver calling her a racist, yelled at passing by vehicles, then retrieved her 5-year-old daughter from her car and sat in the middle of traffic on the busy road for a few minutes in some weird act of defiance before fleeing the scene.

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Impaired elderly man found locked in bedroom full of urine, no food or running water. 

‘Caretaker’ Colin Watts arrested after Nashville Fire Department’s Medic 11 unit forced entry into a home to rescue a man held against his will, after detectives made contact with the impaired adult male through a bedroom window. The man told detectives he was locked in the small room, which reeked of urine. He also told detectives he was supposed to be on insulin, but his caretakers wouldn’t give it to him, and he needed to go to the hospital.

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