British Tourist Patrick Doran takes bite of vendor’s hot dog & starts fight downtown

Police say 47-year-old Patrick Doran walked up to a hot dog vendor on Broadway in downtown Nashville, grabbed a hot dog without paying, took a bit of it, and put it back on the cart. The vendor began to argue with Doran, and other street vendors, who Doran and another man had also been harassing, also became involved. Jacob Phillips attempted to intervene when Doran punched him in the face. Doran and the other man involved in the fight, Elliot Williams, fled the scene. A short time later, police came across them during an unrelated incident at a nearby hotel. He was positively identified by his clothing and British accent.

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MNPD quickly responds to teen pulling on car door of off-duty cop’s neighbor — Jacob Phillips arrested

Despite 48-hour response times for stolen cars, when an off-duty Metro Police Officer noticed a teen pulling on the door handles of her neighbor’s vehicle, the calvary was on the way. She watched 19-year-old Jacob Phillips attempt to open several vehicles, eventually setting off the alarm on one of the cars. While the teen fled the area, the off-duty officer followed him and called for on-duty personnel to respond to the scene. Officers arrived and took him into custody, retrieved video evidence, and charged him with felony attempted burglary of a motor vehicle.

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