Downtown bouncer sold bottles of Jack Daniel’s to undercover TABC Agent — Tyler Hunt

31-year-old Tyler Hunt was recently booked on a misdemeanor citation charging him with reselling liquor without a license. An undercover agent from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) responded to a craigslist ad on November 4th, which offered 5 bottles of ten-year-old Jack Daniel’s Whiskey for sale. The agent met Tyler Russell Hunt at Bicentennial Mall in downtown Nashville to complete the transaction and purchased the bottles for $600.

It was not immediately known where or how Hunt acquired the bottles of Whiskey. Hunt’s social media profiles list him as working at a downtown bar/venue, and his citation list ‘PLE Security’ as his place of employment. Hunt is scheduled to appear in court again in January. When reached via phone, he referred all questions to his attorney.

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Man crashes work van into strip club fence after leaving inside; drank “half-bottle of jack” — Robert Fontaine

33-year-old Robert Fontaine was dressed in his work shirt and driving his Nashville Machine Elevator work van when he arrived at Pure Gold’s Crazy Horse Nashville Friday evening. As he was leaving the strip club, security attempted to dissuade him from driving due to his level of intoxication, however, he fled the parking lot, crashing into the fence along McCann St. He would later tell officers he had a “half-bottle of Jack”. Due to being transported to the hospital, field sobriety tests were not completed. Fontaine was charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Woman blows nearly 3x BAC limit after crash — DNeshia Mitchell arrested

Police say 22-year-old Dneshia Mitchell blew a 0.231 BAC after crashing her car in Antioch. She sustained minor injuries, and completed field sobriety tests in her bare feet, after locking her keys in her car after the crash, with her shoes and socks inside. Mitchell says she had “two shots of Jack Daniel’s” ten minutes before driving. She is free on pre-trial release.

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