DUI: Michael “Chili Dawg” Castleberry charged after historic Tootsie’s beer-chugging performance

After 23-year-old Micheal “Chili Dog” Castleberry amazed a crowd at Tootsie’s Wednesday night and after his set when to a parking garage to retrieve his vehicle. As he pulled alongside Tootsie’s to load his equipment, he fell asleep behind the wheel while parked and running. Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative pulled behind him and woke him up with medical alongside. He claimed to have stopped drinking “two hours” prior to driving and claimed he was just sleeping while waiting on a friend. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking, charged with driving under the influence.

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Police arrest intoxicated man who was enjoying the sprinklers at Home Depot — Antonio Cruz

20-year-old Antonio Cruz was found standing underneath the outside sprinklers at the Home Depot on Bell road, extremely intoxicated and enjoying the drops of water raining down on him. A store manager attempted to ask him to leave the property, but when he continued to remain under the sprinklers, police were alerted. When he was unable to tell him who he was or where he stayed, they took him into custody for public intoxication.

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