#FOOD: Antioch IHOP scores 75; tree branch is found stored on prep table

The IHOP on Target Drive in Antioch scored a 75 on a health inspection Monday afternoon. 15 pounds of food were embargoed from the restaurant after the open cooler at the prep table was not maintaining food at a safe temperature as it was ‘cooling’ at over 55 degrees. The inspector noted excessive fly activity in the kitchen and found a tree branch was inexplicably stored on the prep table. Other causes of concern included the food in the walk-in freezer was thawing instead of freezing, employees handling dirty dishes then clean plates with no handwashing, and excessive build-up and dirt throughout cook line, walls, and ceilings.

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SCOOP: Witness to Antioch murder says she told MNPD shots came from Audi, was ignored, not believed.

SCOOP: It was 21 hours after Kevin Steward was shot and killed before MNPD got the correct suspects and their vehicle information out to the public. However, a witness to the murder that attempted CPR on the victim, told police the shots were fired from a black Audi shortly after it happened – and she says they ignored her, even called her a liar, as they put out the wrong information to the public, not correcting it for nearly 21 hours after the murder

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