Corner Pub Downtown scores 68 on health inspection; 30 pounds food embargoed

The Corner Pub Downtown on 5th Ave North scored a 68 on a health inspection Monday afternoon. The inspector’s report says the manager did not display any basic food knowledge about hot/cold holding or cooking temperatures. Chicken was undercooked at 148 F on the grill, cooked rice and sour cream were in a cooler at 48 F, and cole slaw at 58 F. In a prep cooler in the bar area, sour cream was at 57 F, coleslaw at 58 F, cantaloupe at 58 F, and various other food items held well above the proper temperatures. In total, 30 pounds of food was embargoed during the visit. The inspector was unable to locate any working thermometer in coolers, food was stored on the ground in coolers, and no hand sinks had the proper supplies.

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Seafood Sensation scores 61, was cooking food in home kitchen, using bucket to wash dishes, sink with no water

The owner of Seafood Sensations in Antioch told a Health Inspector Thursday that he cooked 20 pounds of rice in the kitchen of their home and brought it to the restaurant to be served to the public. Additional factors that contributed to the score of 61 included being open without approval or any permits, thawing raw chicken on a table, having cooked rice four days past the last use date, steamed food not at temperature, having no running water at the dish sink, no sanitizer or bleah at dish sink – the owner stated was using a bucket of water to wash dishes.

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Tourist Justin Martin found asleep on 3rd floor of Lentz health department after night of drinking

24-year-old Justin Martin was found asleep on the 3rd floor of the Lentz Public Health Center on Charlotte Pike in the early hours of Friday morning before the building opened. Security located him and called Metro Nasvhille Police, and Officer Martin Brown responded to the building and attempted to wake the man up from his slumber. It eventually took several sternum rubs to wake him up. He was assisted out of the building, and multiple attempts were made to get him to a different safe location; however, he could not remember the passcode for his phone or what hotel he was staying at. After declining all medical services and him too intoxicated to leave on his own, Martin was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication. 

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First Monkeypox case in Nashville; patient returned from out-of-country

The Metro Public Health Department (MPHD), in coordination with the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH), is investigating a case of monkeypox virus infection. Testing confirmed an orthopoxvirus infection, with confirmatory testing to be done at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.) The case is an individual who recently traveled to a country that has reported monkeypox cases.

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5th & Taylor scores 59 on Health Inspection — undercooked chicken; 20 lbs food embargoed

State Health Inspectors visited the 5th & Taylor restaurant in Germantown Thursday evening for nearly two hours, during which time they embargoed 20 pounds of food. The restaurant scored a 59 on its first inspection in fourteen months. Violations include chicken only cooked to 117 F, employees handling ready-to-eat foods with their bare hands, no paper towels or soap at sinks, water dripping from the ceiling into a container of shredded cheese, quail being held at only half the proper temperature, and beef stored at 48 degrees.

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Scoreboard Bar & Grill receives an 84 on health inspection — Music Valley

Health Inspectors found cooked chicken wings sitting at 50 degrees in a walk-in-cooler, and an employee admitted to adding wings cooked on the day of the inspection to the prior day’s pan of cooked wings and mixing them together. That was one of the many violations earning the Nashville favorite an 84 during their regular inspection Monday afternoon. Other violations included raw oysters stored in pans on the floor of the cooler, pans nested into each other without lids, raw fish stored uncovered, and the hand sink in the prep room wasn’t able to be accessed or used.

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Ambrosia Hookah Bar owner jailed after multiple violations of COVID19 regulations

32-year-old business owner Ambrosia Cruickshank is now criminally charged with violating a COVID-19 Board of Health regulation when Metro Nashville Police observed near 100 people leaving Ambrosia Hookah Bar a few minutes before 1 a.m., despite orders requiring any business that allows the consumption of alcohol to be closed by midnight. She received citations on two prior occasions for similar violations.

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