Jada Gober & Shantell Banks charged in brutal TSU campus brawl in front of campus police

Campus police responded to a fight at TSU’s Ford Residential Complex, where 6 females reportedly attacked Nona Boyd because she had moved into the complex three weeks ago and was living with Cyndee Arnold, which was against the rules. As police arrived and attempted to determine what was happening, and who was involved, Jada Gober initially pointed to other parties involved and indicated who was fighting, including another person leaving in a vehicle, Octavian Williams. During the absolute madness and confusion, 20-year-old Jada Gober approached officers and struck Nona Boyd in the face, and another fight erupted with the pair falling to the ground. Police separated these two when 20-year-old Shantell Banks ran from the parking lot and attacked Nona Boyd from behind, striking and kicking her, leaving her injured and bruised.

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Charles Michael Graham Jr. charged with sexual battery of female roommate during a massage

35-year-old Charles Michael Graham Jr., a Librarian Assistant at Fisk University, is charged with the sexual battery of his female roommate, who says he touched her sexual areas without consent and became aroused during a massage. Heaven Pryor told police Graham, who is her roommate, offered to give her a massage, and she accepted. She says she told him she was “gay as f–k”, and was not into him in any sexual way. She says Graham moved from her back to her buttocks and then to her pubic area and other parts of her body, each time with her having to tell him to stop. She states he also stopped multiple times due to getting aroused. He is free on a $2,000 bond.

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‘Brother Jones’ says he wasn’t violent, but new video shows he was – and the Grand Jury agrees

Protestor Justin Jones (“Brother Jones”) was given two weeks to turn himself in on a Grand Jury Indictment, which charges him with two counts of reckless endangerment after he is seen on video repeatedly pushing a traffic cone into the cab of a vehicle, striking the person inside, and causing a danger to both the driver and the nearby public.

Jones claims this is a ‘false narrative’, and says he wasn’t violent. Here’s the video.

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