Norma Odilia-Macz attacks boyfriend with bicycle, gold belt, extension cord, and knife

24-year-old Norma Odilia-Macz was preparing for a child’s birthday party last week when she reportedly became increasingly intoxicated and began to attack her boyfriend of three years, Isaac Sonora De Jesus. Police were called to the scene after she threw a bicycle at the victim, smacked him with a brown extension cord, and hit him with a gold belt. Not finished with her drunken assault, she then grabbed a knife and began to attack his head, causing injuries that were treated by medics. Officers located the bloody knife, bicycle, extension cord, and gold belt, all of which were considered evidence of the crime.

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Birthday boy calls police on his girlfriend when he is “unable to handle” her — Jada Smith arrested

Steven Gates told police he had his girlfriend, 22-year-old Jada Smith, to his home Tuesday night for his “birthday celebrations”. He says Jada became “belligerently drunk” and began to argue, and he felt he was “unable to handle” the situation and called police for assistance and asked them to remove Jada from his home. Officers offered Jada a ride home multiple times or to even arrange a ride for her if she was uncomfortable riding with the police. She refused all offers of assistance, refused to leave, and eventually had to be separated from Mr. Gates as she was coming at him. As officers decided to place her into custody for trespass she fought them and tried kicking officers in the face. She refused to walk to the patrol car and had t be essentially carried, and then placed inside as she refused to get in the car.

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