Deadreicka Miller taps David Taylor with knife after disparaging his dead relative

David Taylor says 23-year-old Deadreicka Miller made a disparaging remake about one of his dead relatives on February 8. As the argument heated up, Miller reportedly pick up a knife and threatened Taylor. She then tapped the blade on his leg, putting him in fear of bodily injury. A Witness observed the assault. Miller had been staying with Taylor for just a month prior to the incident. She says that Taylor said something about her ex initially, causing her to respond about his dead relative. She is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Kayla Johnson-Walker scratches ‘FUCKU’ into ex-boyfriend’s car, slashes his tires

20-year-old Kayla Johnson-Walker and Milton Brown ended their romantic relationship in late January after dating for about six months. Kayla reportedly continued to call Milton, and he ignored the attempts at communication. On January 30, Kayla suddenly appeared at his residence, and an argument ensued. Kayla left but returned a short time later. Milton looked out his window to see her scratching the word “FUCKU’ into the roof of his vehicle. As he went outside, he realized she had also slashed his two rear tires. Kayla called Smyrna PD to confess she had just “keyed her boyfriend’s car” and the call was matched to this open incident.

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Michaela Richards bites MNPD officer in the leg, attempts to assault others during arrest

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning were flagged down for a fight near 2nd & Broadway.25-year-old Michaela Richards had approached a vehicle in the roadway and punched the window. Witnesses say she then shoved another female on the sidewalk. Officers say they “corralled” her and took her into custody for public intoxication. While waiting for entry into the jail, Michaela bit an officer on the leg, causing an injury, attempted to bite two more, kicked an officer in the face, and attempted to headbutt an officer. 

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DUI: Moonshine Mama Felicia Caneva was belligerent with first responders trying to help her

45-year-old Felicia Caneva crashed her 2022 Toyota Prius in South Nashville late Saturday night after “a few drinks,” according to Metro Nashville Police. Officers arrived at the scene to find her being belligerent with Nashville Fire Department medics and yelling profanities at them. She then demanded the responding officers drive her home. She was arrested and charged with DUI. During an inventory search of the vehicle, a glass jar of suspected moonshine was located, about 3/4th full. By the time she arrived at the booking, the transporting officer reported she was in “a deep sleep, snoring.”

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Jhataun Jones charged with assault of girlfriend; grabs her & demands keys to her vehicle

24-year-old Jhataun Jones was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant from April, charging him with domestic assault. He was reportedly drunk, along with his girlfriend of four years, April Renner, when he asked her to give him a ride home. As she had also been drinking, she refused. He then asked her grandmother, Ruth Renner, for a ride, and she also refused. His girlfriend says he then forcibly grabbed her shoulders and demanded the keys to her vehicle, placing her in fear. He grabbed the keys and fled the scene. A warrant was signed, charging him with domestic assault.

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DUI: Logan McCann crashes car in front of officers in Antioch after ‘one beer’

Metro Nashville Police were investigating an abandoned vehicle near the Bell Rd exit at I-24 when suddenly 29-year-old Logan McCann rear-ended another vehicle in front of officers. He exited his vehicle and stumbled toward officers, and stated he had just been at an East Nashville restaurant where he had consumed 1 beer. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and agreed to a blood draw, however, he backed out of that decision once at the hospital. He was also on multiple medications which have warnings against taking with alcohol.

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Oscar Garcia says wife bashed her own head into a tree, despite witnesses watching him punch her

Police say 31-year-old Oscar Garcia told his wife, Julia Hernandez, he was going to drive to Atlanta, and she told him he should not because he was drunk. Unhappy with her response, Garcia reportedly pushed her multiple times and asked to use her phone, as he had broken his. When she refused to provide her phone, he then landed two punches to her face with his fists before fleeing the scene in a vehicle. He returned to the residence while police were taking the incident report and claimed his wife bashed her own head into a tree, despite there being multiple witnesses to the assault.

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Man charged in brutal beating of neighbor who he says used derogatory slur — Bruce Kelly

28-year-old Bruce Kelly was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on December 23rd after he brutally beat up his neighbor who he says offended him by using derogatory slurs about sexual orientation.

Kelly reportedly overheard his neighbor, Zachary Rose, make statements he was uncomfortable with and followed him up the steps and into the victim’s apartment, where he allegedly pushed him to the ground, got on top of him, and repeatedly punched him in the face multiple times. When interviewed, Kelly stated: “I don’t really remember what happened, I beat him up though”. Kelly is charged with aggravated burglary and assault and is jailed in lieu of a $4,500 bond.

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DUI: “I’m lit… I know I’m drunk…Give me a sec, I’m a little tipsy…” — Mvuezolo Rose Mapangala

“I’m lit… I know I’m drunk… give me a sec, I’m a little tipsy…” are all things that police say 24-year-old Mvuezolo Rose Mapangala said after she was found in a crashed vehicle on Edmonson Pike. A witness to the crash, who pulled her from the wreckage, says she also offered him $300 to go on about his day and “let her go”. Court records show she performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking where she was charged with DUI and violation of the implied consent law. She is free on a $3,000 bond.

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