DUI: Soldier ends up on South Nashville train tracks after night at downtown bar, blows .204 BAC— Cliff O’Brien

25-year-old Clifford ‘Cliff’ O’Brien was booked into the Metro Jail just before daylight Sunday morning, charged with DUI. Police were called to the CSX train yard just after 4 a.m. as security had stopped a vehicle they observed driving on the dozens of train tracks at the location. The driver, who lives in Clarksville, told officers he had left a bar in downtown Nashville and his GPS took him to the South Nashville train yard, and onto the tracks, and he didn’t know how to get out. When asked to do a one-legged stand, the soldier instead marched forward while holding each foot in the air for three seconds. He eventually blew a 0.204 BAC on the breathalyzer. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Nashville lawyer Rachel E. Taylor charged with DUI after I-40 crash, blows 0.151 BAC

32-year-old Nashville corporate healthcare attorney Rachel E. Taylor blew nearly double the legal limit, a 0.151 BAC, after a crash on I-40 late Wednesday night. She reportedly told officers she was attempting to follow the directions from her GPS when a vehicle cut her off and she over-corrected, causing her to lose control and crash into a guard rail. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Nashville man accused of stalking ex & tracking her with GPS captured in Denver after fleeing: Josh Quick

In March of 2018, we reported on Joshua Quick, who is accused of tracking his ex-girlfriend with a GPS device, knowing she had an order of protection against him. Before the Grand Jury even returned his indictment, he fled the state to Colorado and start a new life. Late Sunday night was escorted back to Nashville to answer to the charges.

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Man free on pre-trial for DUI gets 2nd DUI, given pre-trial again, says GPS made him drive on wrong side of road

Mark Moses, of South Nashville, was arrested just before daylight Monday morning, as he told police repeatedly “it was the GPS’s fault” he was driving drunk on the wrong side of Bell Road. He was already out on pre-trial release from a January DUI, and he was soon be set free on it, a 2nd time.

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