Andre Randle-Virgil charged after scamming man out of Air Jordans

29-year-old Andre Randle-Virgil was booked this week on an outstanding warrant charging him with felony theft of services. Police say he met with Kalvin Marquez, who was selling 8 pairs of Nike Air Jordans. They agreed to an exchange of $2,150 prior to the meeting. Andre handed Kalvin a thick envelope as the shoes were being placed into his car. As he fled the scene, Kalvin realized the envelope contained 100 one-dollar bills. Andre was identified by his license plate and confirmed in a photo lineup.

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Dayvion Holloway charged: fighting while high in public

Goodlettsville Police say they responded to a fight in progress at a gas station and located 21-year-old Dayvion Holloway as one of the involved parties. While speaking with Holloway, they observed him to be “highly intoxicated.” He refused to cooperate with officers and became aggressive. Holloway was then taken into custody for public intoxication, and a search incident to arrest resulted in him also being charged with the 21.8 grams of marijuana found in his left front pocket.

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Jahya Maxwell attempted to rob Rivergate 7-Eleven, ended up throwing donuts around the store

Police say 18-year-old Jahya Maxwell came to the 7-Eleven on Long Hollow Pike, where she is no longer employed, and attempted to get into the cash register. She pushed two current employees, Reade Herskovitz and Shellie Vickers, and assaulted him. When she was unable to get into the cash register, she threw a cup of water at Herskovitz and knocked over a chip rack. In a final act of frustration, Maxwell emptied the donuts from the donut case and threw them around the store.

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Brittany Cline charged with DUI in Belle Meade — White Claws & Modello Tallboy open in vehicle

30-year-old Brittany Nicole Cline was stopped by Belle Meade Police just after 1 a.m. Friday due to an expired tag on her vehicle. As Officer Haley Doty spoke with Cline during the traffic stop, she could smell alcohol coming from Cline’s breath and noticed a Modelo tallboy in the center cup holder and 4 empty White Claw cans along with a variety pack of unopened cans. Cline performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was unable to provide a proper sample for a breathalyzer, despite three attempts. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking.

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Asyia Lewis & Kameisha Patterson both charged in lover’s brawl

18-year-old Asyia Lewis & 21-year-old Kameisha Patterson were jailed this week after Goodlettsville Police responded to a ‘disorderly subject’ call on Green Circle on July 7th to find a large group of people inside a home yelling at Kameisha Patterson to leave the property. While officers were at the home, they observed Patterson’s girlfriend, Asyia Lewis, slap her in the face — she says she just found out that Patterson had cheated on her. They also observed Patterson slamming an iPhone onto the ground and throwing a trophy across the room. Patterson was restrained and taken out of the apartment, but pulled away and attempted to flee as she was being cuffed. Patterson is also accused of striking Asyia’s mother, Lumeka, in the face. During the investigation, Patterson claimed she needed to use the restroom and when a female officer was escorting her to the restroom she sprinted away from custody for a short period of time before being captured again.

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DUI: Benjamin Dorsey charged after traveling 60 mph in a 40 mph zone

28-year-old Benjamin Dorsey told police he had one beer and one shot prior to leaving work, and stopped at another bar on his way home for another beer, before being pulled over in Goodlettsville for traveling 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. Officers say he reeked of alcohol and had a hard time following simple instructions, such as producing his registration documents. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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Myron Perry charged with burglary of ex-girlfriend’s bedroom #CaughtOnCamera

Police say a security camera caught 27-year-old Myron ‘Tank’ Perry entering the locked bedroom door of his ex-girlfriend (who is also his current roommate with separate bedrooms), and leaving with something in his hands. He returns again, enters the room, and exits with a flat item this time. The victim, Kayla Currie, was notified of the activity via an app on her phone. She returned home to find $700 in cash and an Amazon Fire Tablet missing from her bedroom. Perry is charged with felony burglary, and told police he never entered the bedroom, despite him clearly doing so on the recording, which was archived for court.

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Jadazia Terrell tells officers “don’t touch me until my baby daddy get here” — resisting arrest

20-year-old Jadazia Terrell reportedly pointed a gun a the staff of a Days Inn on Conference Drive. When police arrived, hotel staff pointed to her as she was walking down the stairs in the back of the building. Officers confronted her as she was being disorderly and yelling. The hotel owner claims she was the person who pointed the gun. As police attempted to pat her down for a weapon, she pulled away and screamed “don’t touch me until my baby daddy get here!” As officers attempted to place her in cuffs she struggled for several minutes and caused injuries to both hands of one of the officers.

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DUI: Anthony Denton drunk drove himself to the police station, did field sobriety tests in the parking lot

Goodlettsville Police officers were standing in the rear of police headquarters Saturday when 32-year-old Anthony Denton drove his Chrysler sedan into the rear parking lot and over a curb while officers watched. He told them he had come to city hall to help his brother, who he said worked for the city. In the middle of performing field sobriety tests, Denton stopped and stated he was intoxicated. He was charged with DUI.

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Woman calls 911 to report a robbery that never happened — Kaylyn McCracken arrested

34-year-old Kaylyn McCracken called 911 and reported she was currently being robbed and thrown out of her house by two men and three women. A full police response to the strong-arm robbery-in-progress was immediately initiated to intercept the five assailants and rescue the woman. As police arrived on the scene, it became immediately apparent there was no robbery happening. In fact, McCracken was a visitor to the residence and was upset over an argument about coffee. She had actually attacked the two women and one man, who were the only other people at the residence. She now faces a felony charge of filing a false report.

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Wife assaults husband & destroys his office after she’s denied drugs — Lillian Stout-Cox arrested

Police say 28-year-old Lillian Stout-Cox was at Top Golf with her husband, Paul Cox, who owns a Goodlettsville car lot. She reportedly became upset after he would not hire her brother and caused such a scene that Paul took a rideshare back to the car lot. By the time he arrived, Lillian was already there waiting for him. Security video shows another argument occurred, this time after she demanded some of his prescribed medication (Klonopin) as she searched the office for them. When she realized they were in his possession she began destroying computer monitors and furniture throughout the office. Stout-Cox is charged with domestic assault and vandalism and is free on a $2,000 bond.

Editor’s Note: Stout-Cox called the toll-free Scoop Newsline shortly after bonding out of jail to let us know she had been arrested, and to threaten a lawsuit if we published her story, stating her court records were “confidential”. In this reporter’s opinion based on her conversation, she had found those Klonopin prior to making the call.

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DUI: Nashville Content Creator ‘Funsize Velen’ blows double BAC limit — Velen Lemus arrested

24-year-old Velen Lemus, who is a Nasvhille area content creator for various platforms, including her ‘Funsize Velen’ persona, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail earlier this month, charged with DUI – driving under the influence. Police say she was speeding and driving erratically, and eventually ran a red light in Goodlettsville, where a traffic stop was conducted. She told police she was on her way home to Ashland City, but wasn’t sure where she was at, or a correct way to get to her destination. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and blew a 0.163 BAC on the breathalyzer, more than twice the legal limit in Tennessee. Officers also found she had a prior DUI in 2019 in Rutherford County and is required to have an alcohol interlock device on her vehicle, which she did not have. She was charged with DUI 2nd offense and is free on pre-trial release.

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Teen found passed out on stimulants with pants down at Goodlettsville Motel 6 — Steven Ellis

Goodlettsville Police found 19-year-old Steven Ellis passed out in a vehicle at Motel 6 on Cartwright Street just after 5 a.m. Sunday. Ellis had his feet on the ground, laying face-first into the passenger seat of a vehicle with the door open and his pants below his knees. He was unable to provide a room number, nor any friend’s information, and was unable to care for himself. He admitted to being under the influence of a stimulant. He was booked into jail, charged with public intoxication. Scoop: Wilson covered Ellis in October of 2020 after he fired a gun at a man who spoke to his girlfriend at a convenience store.

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Man charged in assault of boyfriend after he doesn’t want to go out — Richard Hall arrested

29-year-old Richard Hall is charged with the domestic assault of his boyfriend after police say he demanded the victim get ready to meet a friend, and the victim refused, saying he didn’t feel well. The couple, who was staying at a Goodlettsville hotel, had prior domestic disturbances, and as the victim attempted to call to report the current situation using code words, Hall reportedly took the phone from him, and threw him across the bed, resulting in bodily injury. Hall is charged with interfering with an emergency call and domestic assault, and is jailed in lieu of a $2,000 bond.

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Homeless “ninja” arrested in Goodlettsville attempting to break into vehicle — Christopher Brimm

A Goodlettsville resident called police to report a person “dressed like a ninja” was attempting to break into his work vehicle. Officers quickly located 20-year-old Christopher Brimm nearby. Police say he was easily identifiable, as he was wearing all black clothing with a balaclava covering his head and face, gloves, and carrying a duffle bag with a headlamp style flashlight and large knives and a machete. Brimm stated he was homeless and sometimes “explored” homes he believed to be abandoned. He was charged with attempted auto burglary and possession of burglary tools after his bag contained various tools including picking tools, a Dremel, and pliers. A commissioner set his bond at $2,000.

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Woman says she was selling salt as meth to “woo the men” — Michelle Folnsbee arrested

36-year-old Michelle Folnsbee faces felony drug charges, even though she possessed no actual drugs. She was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a traffic stop when Goodlettsville PD located several ‘safes’ in her PUMA bag that contained bags of what appears to be crystal methamphetamine. When officers tested the drugs, nothing returned positive, and she admitted it was salt, stating she used it to “woo the men” who bought it. She is charged with felony possession of a counterfeit controlled substance, and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia. She is free on pre-trial release.

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#RoadRage: Teen charged with repeatedly punching driver who honked at green light — Dillon Kirby

19-year-old Dillon Kirby was booked this morning on an outstanding assault citation from a January assault during which he assaulted another driver in a road rage incident. When the light turned green and the vehicle Kirby was in hadn’t moved, the driver behind them honked his horn. Kirby exited from the passenger door of the vehicle, walked to the victim’s widow, and repeatedly punched the victim, Nathan Cane, in the face causing multiple injuries. Police located Kirby in the parking lot of the nearby InTown Suites and issued him a citation for assault. Kirby was ROR’d until his next court date in January.

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DUI: ICU nurse blows double legal limit after falling asleep in line at Krystal drive-thru— Jazmen Flowers

25-year-old Cardiovascular ICU Travel Nurse Jazmen Flowers was found drunk and asleep behind the wheel of her vehicle at a Krystal’s drive-thru in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police say they approached her vehicle in the line after being notified her the situation, and she ‘lurched’ the vehicle several feet forward as they woke her. She reportedly reeked of alcohol and admitted to drinking vodka & cranberry drinks earlier in the evening. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking, where she blew a 0.17 BAC just over double the legal limit. She is free on pre-trial release.

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