Jevaughn Small charged after attacking former roommate who he couldn’t finesse into his bedroom

Dofton Reynolds says his friend and former roommate, 29-year-old Jevaughn Small, won’t stop trying to finesse him into being gay for him. After four months of alleged sexual harassment, he’s now taken the matter to police after he says Small attempted to run over him with a vehicle for denying his advances. He says Small continually tried to persuade him to come into his bedroom when they lived together, and once he moved out Small has tracked his whereabouts.

On May 8th at 8:40 a.m., Small attempted to run him down, and when Reynolds jumped away from the vehicle’s path, he says Small jumped out and physically attacked him in a struggle that lasted for a few minutes and left Dofton with injuries to his ride side of his body, his leg, and his left arm and hand.

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Man strangles girlfriend after she finds sexts to gay men on his phone — Timothy Strickland arrested

23-year-old Timothy Strickland faces multiple charges, including felony aggravated assault/strangulation, after his girlfriend reportedly found messages between him and other men on his phone that he was attempting to hook up with. After the wildly detailed physical assault in the police affidavit which left blood on the bed and the victim bruised, he then burnt her social security card, took $180 from her purse, and smashed her iPhone. He then reportedly threw his face on the ground and literally ‘ate dirt’ while being arrested in an attempt to avoid or delay his trip to jail, trying to choke on it.

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Nashville teen charged with 20 counts of rape of 11-year-old boy; confesses to investigators

19-year-old Zion Lacy appeared in Juvenile court this week and waived his hearing, agreeing to transfer his case to adult criminal court, where he is now charged with 20 counts of rape of a child from when he was 16, and the male victim was 11 & 12. He is free on a $60,000 bond.

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Grand Jury indicts Canvas bartender Joey Newkirk on new felony charges

One year after the initial incident, the Davidson County Grand Jury has returned an indictment charging Joseph Newkirk with two counts of felony aggravated assault. He is accused of continuing to beat a local realtor, even after rendering him unconscious, and knocking a female friend unconscious, leaving her in the water at the lake.

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MNPD considering Seattle PD’s LGBT Safe Place initiative in response to transgender shaming incident

MNPD considers Seattle’s ‘Safe Place’ initiative in response to recent transgender shaming incident. The program would simply put ‘rainbow badge’ stickers on businesses where LGBT citizens could wait and ‘feel safe’ while waiting for one of those officers to arrive, when they report a crime.

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Joey Newkirk Arrested for Assault on Female Friend. Man Beaten While Unconscious.

Joey Newkirk, 39, arrested and charged with assault, after an incident that included the beating a local realtor after he was unconscious on the ground, and participating in the beating of a female friend, leaving her unconscious in the water. His brother, Nathaniel Clay Rice, who also participated in the above assaults, punched another friend/witness when he asked what happened, before the two casually walked away from the scene.

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Lesbian Lover Arrested: That’s not where Laffy Taffy goes.

Sharmaine Smith was arrested for domestic assault, along with various other charges after police say she was waiting on her girlfriend to return to the address to get her personal belongings, when she attacked her.

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