Canadian Football Player Ryan Bomben faces felony for bringing drugs into Nashville jail after drunken arrest

Metro Nashville Police found 34-year-old Canadian Professional Football Player Ryan Bomben banging his head against a local business in downtown Nashville, and when officers approached him he reeked of alcohol and had difficulty standing on his own. Despite multiple attempts to arrange for him to leave the area safely, there was no one to care for him and he had no idea where he was staying. He was transported to booking, where they located marijuana inside his jacket pocket once inside the facility. Bomben was charged with public intoxication and felony introducing drugs into a penal institution.

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College Football’s Josh ‘Big Country’ Griffis charged after forcing way into woman’s home in Nashville

20-year-old NCAA football player Josh ‘Big Country’ Griffis is free on a $10,000 bond after he tore apart the door frame of a woman’s apartment in Nashville and forced his way inside the residence where held her against her will for over an hour. Despite the destroyed door frame, he told police that she “invited him inside”. The 6’4, 260 lb, player, who just transferred from FSU is charged with multiple felonies, including aggravated burglary, false imprisonment, and interference with a 911 call.

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DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel at intersection, admits to drinking — Jared Beard

24-year-old Jared Beard was found asleep behind the wheel of his car at an intersection just south of downtown Nashville and admitted to drinking prior to driving. Police say he agreed to a breathalyzer, a demonstrated he could blow hard enough, however, when his lips met the actual machine, he wouldn’t blow hard enough for it to register. He also urinated on himself multiple times while speaking to police, and in the back of a patrol car.

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