5th & Taylor scores 59 on Health Inspection — undercooked chicken; 20 lbs food embargoed

State Health Inspectors visited the 5th & Taylor restaurant in Germantown Thursday evening for nearly two hours, during which time they embargoed 20 pounds of food. The restaurant scored a 59 on its first inspection in fourteen months. Violations include chicken only cooked to 117 F, employees handling ready-to-eat foods with their bare hands, no paper towels or soap at sinks, water dripping from the ceiling into a container of shredded cheese, quail being held at only half the proper temperature, and beef stored at 48 degrees.

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Scoreboard Bar & Grill receives an 84 on health inspection — Music Valley

Health Inspectors found cooked chicken wings sitting at 50 degrees in a walk-in-cooler, and an employee admitted to adding wings cooked on the day of the inspection to the prior day’s pan of cooked wings and mixing them together. That was one of the many violations earning the Nashville favorite an 84 during their regular inspection Monday afternoon. Other violations included raw oysters stored in pans on the floor of the cooler, pans nested into each other without lids, raw fish stored uncovered, and the hand sink in the prep room wasn’t able to be accessed or used.

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