Child Sex Indictment: Metro Cop, Kipp Teacher, Former Joelton Band Director accused with same victim

A Metro Nashville Police Officer, A former Joelton Middle School Band Director (who was more recently a Fisk University Professor), and their friend, who is now a High School Health teacher at Kipp Academy, are all charged with various sex crimes against a boy who was 13-year-old at the first incident, some of which have continued as recent as 2017. All three men are friends at took part in a young mentoring group through a college fraternity. The men are MNPD Officer Corey Reed, 31, Kipp Teacher Derek Calvon Hill, 25, and MavVelous Brown, 30, who is not yet in custody.

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TSU Police arrest Jayden Lawrence for assault of Dr. Andre Bean, TSU Men’s Initiative Director

19-year-old Jayden Lawrence is charged with the assault of Dr. Andre Bean, the Director of the Men’s Initiative at Tennessee State University. In what may be the most poorly written arrest warrant we’ve ever published, Sgt. Horace Green of the TSU Police Department doesn’t specify how the alleged assault happened but lists Dr. Bean as the victim. The Sgt was escorted to the alleged fight by Arch Angel Security on Monday afternoon to find a large group of students gathered in a circle in the hallway. When he arrived, Dr. Bean was restraining Jayden Lawrence but never actually alleged any assault took place. Lawrence requested medical attention, was evaluated at Metro General, then transported to booking. 

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Charles Michael Graham Jr. charged with sexual battery of female roommate during a massage

35-year-old Charles Michael Graham Jr., a Librarian Assistant at Fisk University, is charged with the sexual battery of his female roommate, who says he touched her sexual areas without consent and became aroused during a massage. Heaven Pryor told police Graham, who is her roommate, offered to give her a massage, and she accepted. She says she told him she was “gay as f–k”, and was not into him in any sexual way. She says Graham moved from her back to her buttocks and then to her pubic area and other parts of her body, each time with her having to tell him to stop. She states he also stopped multiple times due to getting aroused. He is free on a $2,000 bond.

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