He’s just not that into you; She rams his Camaro, steals his keys, bites a cop.

SriDevia Neils begs her ex-boyfriend to come to her work, he does – to tell her he wants nothing more to do with her, and attempts to leave. She gets into her car, too, and rams his – then steals his keys, and bites a cop as she’s being arrested.

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She bit a piece of his ear off. #Arrested

47-year-old Rebecca Hayes and her boyfriend were staying at the Best Western Music Row Thursday when an argument turned physical. During the argument, she bit off a piece of his ear, which was recovered, and he was transported to Vanderbilt due to his injuries.

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Double-Murder Suicide in Senior Living Neighborhood on Cana Circle near Belle Meade.

Gail Andrews-Miller, 65, had driven to Cana Circle near Belle Meade, a senior-only residence, shared by her sister and mother, Rachel Andrews, 97, & Barbara Andrews, 69. She brought a 5-shot revolver with her, leaving her holster at her home on Sneed Rd. She walked to the rear of the home, to the TV room, and opened fire on her mother and sister, shooting them both in the chest. She then turned the gun on herself.

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Editorial: Why Chief Anderson’s private apology isn’t enough

Who will step up and take responsibility? Mayor Briley is pretending it never happened, and Police Chief Steve Anderson is privately apologizing to the richest LGBT business owner in the city, instead of the community or the actual victim.

Nashville, we MUST #DoBetter, it’s time.

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