Tennessee Brew Works sues over an anonymous review that was deleted, accusing employee & founder of using ‘N-word’

Tennessee Brew Works has filed a “John Doe” lawsuit against the person that left an anonymous review, which claimed to overhear brewer Matt Simpson and the company’s founder Christian Spears using the ‘N-word’ during a tour of the brewery. Though the review was posted on social media for a short period of time, it was eventually removed and had disappeared into the ethers of the internet. The company, however, was determined to let the world know it was not racist, and filed a defamation lawsuit against the person, including what was essentially a list of the company’s “black friends” and “POC Events” it and its founders participated in, as evidence it, nor its founders, were racist. They also included the deleted review as an exhibit, which will now be back on the internet, as part of this story.

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