Jazzy’s unlicensed ‘security guard’ pulls AR-15, threatens to “swiss cheese” vehicle — Eric Jenkins

30-year-old Eric L Jenkins, who isn’t allowed to possess a gun due to his multiple gun and drug-related felonies, domestic violence convictions, and Community Corrections probation status out of Murfreesboro, approached an 18-wheeler which was parked on the public roadway in front of Jazzy’s, which is a club that employs Jenkins as a security guard, with a handgun holstered on his hip despite the state confirming he is not allowed to possess even an unarmed security license. He told the truck driver to move, and when he refused, Jenkins went to his white Ford Crown Victoria 30 yards away and retrieved an AR-15 rifle, pointed it at the 18-wheeler, and threatened to “swiss cheese” the truck if it didn’t move.

The truck driver called police, who responded to the scene and attempted to interview Jenkins, however, the manager of Jazzy’s lied to police and said he wasn’t inside. Once officers prepared his Crown Victoria to be towed, he magically appeared coming out of the club and was taken into custody. In addition to his new felony charges for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon against the truck driver and passenger, he’s charged with prohibited person possession charges, two additional outstanding warrants, and Murfreesboro Community Corrections has a warrant also for his arrest, in case his posts his $27,000 bond in Nashville. Jenkins’ hairline also failed to appear, but did not face any additional charges.

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Nashville’s most notorious drug kingpin you’ve never heard of: Eric Jenkins #SharkOfWallStreet

37-year-old Eric Jenkins, who goes by the moniker ‘Shark of Wall Street’, is acknowledged by the DA’s office to be one of Nashville’s largest drug Kingpins – and you’ve probably never heard of him unless you’re among the city’s most elite clientele he serviced. Nashville took him into custody earlier this summer during a “major sting operation” when he attempted to take possession of 10 kilos of cocaine from an undercover agent – and all local charges have disappeared.

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