Drunk woman texts ‘POW POW!’ threat, storms front door, falls on sidewalk, lays there until police arrive — Angie Chapman

49-year-old Angie Chapman, who is in the middle of a heated divorce, decided to track her husband down Tuesday night at his brother’s home, just a few streets over. She sent texts on the way over, stating “Do you remember how to shoot? I do!”… and “POW POW!”. Once she arrived, she texted him to “look out your window, a–hole” so she could “zero in”. She stormed the front porch, opened the storm door, and attempted to push her way into the home, but the homeowner pushed her back out the door, causing her to fall down the steps, firmly plopping her body on the sidewalk below, where she remained laying until police arrived. They took her into custody while she screamed “I will come back and get them!”. A loaded Smith & Wesson revolver was located in her front passenger seat, and she was extremely intoxicated. Police only charged her with misdemeanor aggravated trespass, and she posted a $2,500 cash bond after being booked. She recently removed $40,000 from the joint checking account, which has been a contentious point during the divorce proceedings.

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