Senior Citizen Michael Peek charged with DUI downtown after midnight in odd fit of road rage

68-year-old Michael Peek was driving his vehicle just after midnight in downtown Nashville when he stopped near 400 Broadway in front of Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row and angrily exited his vehicle, stumbling in the process. As officers working the Entertainment District Initiative approached him to see what was happening, he reentered the vehicle. He admitted to having three White Russian drinks before driving and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He would later blow a 0.136% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Nathan Taylor too drunk for downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Friday night say 28-year-old Nathan Allen Taylor fell on the sidewalk in front of Legends Corner on Broadway and required a medical response from Nashville Fire. Once he was assisted by medics, Taylor declined transport to a local hospital to sober up and be further evaluated. He was unable to be left alone on the sidewalk, and he was unable to walk due to his level of intoxication and was an unreasonable annoyance to other citizens in the vicinity. Taylor was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather kicks bouncer after Broadway Battle Buddy knocks him down

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville late Saturday night responded to a fight at Nudie’s Honky Tonk on Broadway. They encountered 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Hunter Fairweather and his friend, Ironne Coley, who were in an argument with bouncers at the location. Fairweather reportedly kicked the bouncer, Deangelo Ridloy, after Coley knocked him to the ground. Officers documented injuries to the victim and watched a video of the assault.

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Raymond Flores charged after aggressive behavior in downtown Nashville

41-year-old Raymond Flores was the subject of a disorderly person call outside of Luke Bryan’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. He was reportedly becoming aggressive and threatening toward an unknown female at the location. Officers arrived to find him yelling and screaming at the woman and grabbing the back of her head while yelling at her. As officers attempted to place him into custody, he became aggressive with officers, who had to use force and “joint manipulation techniques” to get him cuffed. He told officers he was “very” drunk, and when asked to elaborate on the amount he had to drink, he stated “a lot!” He was placed into custody and transported to booking.

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Des’ree White demanded an escort to her car; she got an escort to jail #DisorderlyConduct

27-year-old Des’Ree White approached Metro Nashville Police Officers on Broadway in downtown Nashville and demanded they escort her to her vehicle. As the conversation continued, another female approached White and asked White if she would like her to walk her to her car instead of the police. White became visibly upset and angered and threw her cell phone at the other female. Officers took White into custody for disorderly conduct.

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Anthony Woods deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative (EDI) Thursday night observed 30-year-old Anthony Woods trying to fight with another downtown patron near 4th & Broadway. After the other party dispersed, Woods approached officers to ask for directions to another venue, but was already so intoxicated he could not walk and could barely stand upright without assistance. Due to his extreme level of intoxication and with no one to care for him, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Joshua Mier charged with public intoxication at Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police were dispatched to Kid Rock’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville Sunday afternoon, and while they were taking another individual from another incident into custody, 45-year-old Joshua Lee Mier grabbed Officer Randall and began to interfere with the arrest. Determined to interject himself into the situation, Mier was also taken into custody due to his extreme level of intoxication and inability to care for himself in public.

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Trevor Fallen goes to jail after ignoring MNPD officers, crossing street in downtown Nashville

A traffic officer working the downtown Nashville Entertainment District told 26-year-old Trevor Fallen to not walk into the roadway Friday evening at the intersection of 5th & Broadway, yet he continued to do so. Metro Nashville Police Officer Randall also advised Fallon it was unsafe to currently cross the roadway and was also ignored. Once contact was made with Fallon, police say it was obvious he was too intoxicated to care for himself, and he was transported to booking for public intoxication.

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Unique Chambers was “extremely combative” with police after fighting another female in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say they encountered 21-year-old Unique Chambers near 4th & Broadway in downtown Nashville, fighting Mikianna Burns just before 2 a.m. Saturday. Chambers had to be forcibly detained. and was extremely uncooperative and combative with police throughout their interactions. She reportedly attacked one officer as he came up to stop the fight; however, she says she wasn’t aware he was an officer coming up behind her at the time.

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Soldier Sean Puzewski was found drunk & unconscious in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Sean Puzewski was located unresponsive and heavily intoxicated in front of Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived to assist, along with medics from the Nashville Fire Department. He was already loaded onto the medic’s cot when he came to and began to unbuckle the safety straps and then refused any and all medical assistance. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Paul Tirado found “no so lucky” outside Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Enforcement Initiative this weekend encountered 35-year-old Paul Tirado outside the Lucky Bastard Saloon, barely able to stand on his own and causing an extreme disturbance to those around him. He was asked to leave multiples times and refused. Unable to locate anyone to care for him, he was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Jeremy Fulcher had the opportunity to stay out of jail, just not the ability – downtown Nashville

26-year-old Jeremy Fulcher was issued a state citation and released after causing a scene on Broadway in downtown Nashville with another individual, but then continued to hang around yelling and screaming. He was asked to move about and continue the night with his friends, but refused to comply and continued to walk back to The Nashville Underground, where the incident occurred. With his actions continuing, officers took him into custody and charged him with disorderly conduct.

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Drunk man walks up to cops on Broadway, leans on an officer, refuses to leave — Dylan Cosner #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police say they were speaking to a group of citizens on Broadway in downtown Nashville when 23-year-old Dylan Scott Cosner walked up, stumbled around swaying, leans on an officer for balance, bumped into the other people, and was belligerent. Officers asked him to move along with his friends, but he refused and became verbally aggressive. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication.

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