Andrew McSkimming punches Uber driver in both heads

25-year-old Andrew McSkimming is charged with the assault of his Uber driver, Abdelshahid Bishwy Bahgatayyad, after he punched him in the face and then punched him in the balls. The victim says they had arrived at the dropoff location, and McSkimming was extremely intoxicated and when he was asked to get out of the Uber, McSkimming punched the driver in the face.

Both parties then exited the vehicle as McSmimming began to hit the vehicle with his fists. McSkimming then punched the victim in the groin with his fist. Officers were issuing Andrew McSkimming a state citation for assault when he became combative with officers and continued his threatening behavior. They placed him into custody and transported him to booking.

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Pheairis McMurray would knot leave Smokin Thighs after showing up high on marijuana

Metro Nashville Police responded to the Wedgewood location of Smokin Thighs on a report of a disorderly person at the business. They came in contact with 29-year-old Pheairis McMurray, who stated he had smoked marijuana before visiting the restaurant. He had been asked to leave and was now willing to do so; however, his slurred and muffled speech and inability to stay focused on a conversation led police to take him into custody for public intoxication.

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Craig Toney causes $20K of damages to Opryland hotel during assault of girlfriend and stepfather

26-year-old Robert “Craig” Toney was jailed this weekend on multiple charges of domestic assault and vandalism after a night at the Opryland Hotel left the rural Georgia family in a bloody brawl. Craig initially was in a verbal argument with his girlfriend, Kelsea Lafferty Toney, and he grabbed her by the throat, strangling her, knocking her to the bed, and then to the floor, assaulting her the entire time. Craig’s stepfather, Ray Adkins, attempted to intervene, and Craig punched him in the mouth, causing visible injuries. Damages to the hotel room, the exterior hallway, the blood-soaked carpets, walls, beds, hallway, and wallpaper, are estimated to be up to $20,000.

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Nashville Bishop Kenneth Dupree pulls gun on neighbor, threatens to “put her in an obituary”

Metro Nashville Police say security camera footage captured 65-year-old retired Bishop Kenneth Dupree pulling a silver handgun on his neighbor and pointing it directly at her while stating: “I will put you in an obituary and sh**t you, you M*-*-*F*-*-*g b*-*h.

The incident occurred after the neighbor, Jenine Di Conti, says Dupree was speeding through the neighborhood and nearly hit someone so she turned the garden hose, which was already in her hand, in the direction of the vehicle in an attempt to get his attention to slow down and watch out for the other person. After parking his vehicle, he returned to the neighbor’s home and made the threats, with her husband as a witness. He said she harassed him and “if it would be up to him, if she came to his property today, she would be laying in his driveway.” Police took Dupree into custody and transported him to booking. He had secured his firearm inside his residence before officers arrived.

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