East Nashville woman achieves highest BAC ever reported on Scoop: Nashville — Emily Warren

A concerned citizen observed 31-year-old Emily Warren drunk driving while nearly passed out near the intersection of N 11th St and Gallatin Ave in East Nashville. They convinced her to pull to the side of the road and took the keys from her ignition while waiting on police to arrive. Officers made contact with the woman, who told them she had one “tiki drink.” She was unable to complete field sobriety tests due to her level of intoxication. Once at booking, she blew a 0.372% BAC on a breathalyzer test — more than four times the legal limit. A range of 0.35% to 0.40% generally represents potentially fatal alcohol poisoning. 0.40% is the accepted lethal dose for about 50% of adult humans.

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Imani Amuri — Two DUIs in 27 days, pre-trial release on both arrests

20-year-old Imani Amuri was charged with DUI on April 10th after he crashed into a utility pole in Madison, and officers found him passed out behind the wheel and a car full of empty small liquor bottles. He blew a 0.228% BAC. Despite a commissioner setting his bond at $3,000, the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office gave him pre-trial release. 27 days later, on May 7th, he would lose control of his car once again and be arrested for a new DUI. This time a judicial commissioner set his bond at $5,000, and once again, the DCSO gave him pre-trial release.

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Over 50 empty beers found in car during DUI investigation — Manuel Garcia arrested

Metro Nashville Police encountered 38-year-old Manual Alberto Garcia at a Mapco on Murfreesboro Pike, where he was parked at a gas pump. As Garcia attempted to exit his vehicle while stumbling, officers observed multiple open containers of Michelob Ultra in the cup holders, including a freshly opened cold beer. On the floorboard of his vehicle, there were over 50 empty bottles of beer. He stated he had consumed 6 beers at that point in the evening.

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Carah Johnson charged with DUI while wearing her “I Love Beer” hat

Metro Nashville Police say they encountered 22-year-old Carah Johnson in the back of an ambulance after she rolled her vehicle, and atop her head was a hat that read “I Love Beer”. She immediately admitted to drinking before driving, and then crashing after driving too fast. They say she became “dramatic and emotional” with mood swings from crying to agitation, which included throwing several of her personal items in frustration. She produced a handgun from her person prior to attempting field sobriety tests.

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DUI: Jason Tolbert admits to drinking whisky, officers found his flask in car #arrested

Police say 39-year-old Jason Tolbert became “verbally argumentative” with both officers and hospital staff after a magistrate signed a warrant to have his blood drawn after he was charged with DUI Saturday night. An officer witnessed him fail to yield to another vehicle, nearly causing a crash, and conducted a traffic stop during which Tolbert admitted to drinking whisky, and had a flask with him. He failed field sobriety tests and was transported to booking.

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Nashville Attorney Michael Killen charged with DUI after crash

When Metro Police responded to a traffic crash in downtown Nashville, they found 41-year-old Michael Killen driving his red Saturn, which he had driven into the rear of another vehicle. Sgt. Amabile says he could smell alcohol coming from Killen, and observed obvious signs of impairment. Killen stated he drank alcohol, however, it was 24-hours prior to driving. He refused field sobriety tests and was taken into custody, charged with DUI, and given pre-trial release.

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Wife calls cops on her husband who takes neighbor’s Cadillac for a DUI drive — Calvin Howse

Quinetta Howse called Metro Nashville Police on Sunday to report her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, had been drinking since Friday and was out on the road driving their neighbor’s white Cadillac on a revoked license. Officer arrived at the neighborhood, they indeed found him in the Caddy, driving down the street with an alcoholic beverage in his hand. He held the beverage up to officers and stated “these will get you f***-d up real quick!”. He explained he was simply using the car to go get more alcohol, and he knew he was going to jail… and he did.

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DUI: Paige Hauff explains it was rude to have headlights on in front of another car

When police asked 33-year-old Paige Hauff why she was driving with no headlights on thru East Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning, she simply stated “because I was in front of another car and I didn’t want to be rude”… she would later clarify that she meant she had been ‘parked’ in front of another car earlier and had not turned them back on while driving inbound on Gallatin Pike. Officers say she was obviously intoxicated, and she admitted to drinking two vodka drinks prior to driving. She also stated she had Zoloft and used a marijuana vape pen, which was with her. She also had empty Tiny Bomb beer cans, and an empty Ranch Water can in the vehicle. Hauff was transported to booking and her car towed to impound.

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Kenny Rambo admits to drinking before crash, running from police, is only charged with fleeing the scene of an accident without reporting it

36-year-old Kenneth Rambo crashed his vehicle near Old Hickory Blvd and Noel Drive, however, when officers arrived he fled from them. Later on the following morning, citizens reported a man who might need assistance just down the road, he matched the description of the man who fled in the crash, with the addition of being mud-covered, and now minus a shoe. Officers made contact with Rambo, who admitted to drinking at the hockey game prior to driving and crashing, stating he had “two beers” at the Predators game before the crash, but states he “blacked out” and remembers nothing past when the team was down 2-0, however, the final score was a 4-0 loss much later. Police only charged him with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it, and a commissioner granted him pre-trial release.

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German Zepeda says he only smoked “one blunt” prior to DUI crash

20-year-old German Zepeda was driving in Antioch when was driving on the wrong side of the road and crashed head-on into another vehicle. His two juvenile passengers, ages 14 & 17, both sustained injuries. He initially claimed his brakes were faulty, causing the crash, however, police noticed his eyes were extremely watery and he was slow to respond to commands and answer questions. Zepeda denied drinking, however, admitted to smoking one marijuana-filled blunt, approximately ten minutes prior to driving.

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DUI: Nashville Attorney Johnny Walker threatens to have cops fired who won’t let him call his wife

You’ve seen their commercials on every media outlet in town… the father and son duo touting “Walker & Walker Disability Law”. Overnight, you can now see their character behind those suits, as son Johnny Walker reminded officers he was an attorney on multiple occasions during a DUI traffic crash with a car full of open containers, and that his father was former state Senator (and famed disability lawyer) Mike Walker – and repeatedly implied his father would make sure the MNPD officers lost their jobs for not immediately allowing him to call his wife during his arrest. He is free on a $2,000 bond, and likely quite the bruised ego.

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Phoebe Tillemans charged with DUI after crash in Nashville

21-year-old Phoebe Tillemans was booked into jailed overnight, and charged with DUI after police say she was intoxicated and crashed her vehicle on I-65 North, and admitted to drinking prior to driving. When asked about the details of the crash, she began telling a story about how she was out with friends but none of the times she recounted it did she ever get close to the car crash part of the story. She also admitted to taking Vyvanse. Tillemans performed poorly on field sobriety tests and refused further testing after admitting to having “3 or 4” drinks of wine.

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Nashville Nurse Catherine Sowell begs to not be charged in DUI crash because she “saves lives as a nurse”

MNPD Officer Lucas Thomas says Registered Nurse Catherine Sowell begged to not be charged with a crime after she crashed into a semi-truck and then a retaining wall Saturday afternoon because she was “saving lives as a nurse” and she could lose that job if she were to be arrested for her own DUI crash. He explained to her that she could be the one harming someone by drinking and driving — to which she stated “I hope you don’t have any family in the medical field” and “I would feel more remorseful if he was hurt but I literally hugged the other driver”. She continued to lie about how many drinks she had and where she came from, changing her story each time she was asked.

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Florida Man charged with DUI on way to a concert in Nashville — Stephen Reck arrested

38-year-old Stephen Reck had a flat tire and pulled onto the side of the interstate — and a short time later a TDOT assistance vehicle arrived to help the stranded motorist. While helping the citizen, the TDOT employee noticed Reck was visibly intoxicated and notified police. Reck told responding officers he was on his way to a concert and admitted to drinking prior to driving. He would later blow a 0.234% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Ashland City grandfather charged with DUI after leaving American Legion — Bill Krantz

Police say 63-year-old Billy Krantz was passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle on Broadmoor Drive in the early hours of Saturday morning. He told officers he had been dropping off a friend at the home on Broadmoor Drive and had been drinking at the American Legion less than an hour before driving. Krantz performed poorly on field sobriety tests and would only reply “I don’t know” when asked to provide a breath or blood sample for testing.

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Josh Sweigert charged with DUI after crashing into another vehicle on Brick Church Pike

Metro Police say 38-year-old Joshua Sweigert crashed into another vehicle on Brick Church Pike in the early hours of Sunday morning, striking their side mirror at a high rate of speed. The victim says he drove his Nissan work van while speeding up to them from behind. Sweigert says it’s all a misunderstanding and the damage to his own vehicle is from three weeks ago, not anything current. Officer say Sweigert was clearly intoxicated — he reeked of alcohol and staggered and stumbled during their interaction. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and refused all further testing.

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Tabitha Kirk says she snorted heroin prior to crash on Lebanon Pike

First responders found 39-year-old Tabitha Kirk “not awake and shaking” after she crashed her vehicle on Lebanon Pike. Nashville Fire medics administered two doses of Narcan, at which time Kirk responded and became coherent. She told medical she had snorted heroin prior to the crash. When police arrived, she stated she was afraid of going to jail and wasn’t sure why she crashed or how it happened. She later stated she was seven months sober and didn’t know why she relapsed. She was charged with DUI and driving on a suspended license.

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