Man with a gun on his hip, and one in his pocket, charged with DUI after drinking half-bottle of vodka

30-year-old Richard Garton had a Glock 19 holstered on his hip and a Glock 26 in his front pocket, each with one round in the chamber, as he admitted to drinking a half-bottle of vodka when police found him crashed on Harding Pike near West End. He told police: “F-ck this, I’m drunk”.

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DUI Arrest: “Sir, say your ABC’s from C to R”.. Him: “A,B,C.”

..Officer Roark then conducted field sobriety tests, during which he asked Andrews to say his ABC’s from C to R. Andrews simply replied “A, B, C.” and stopped. An arrest report states Andrews failed multiple other field sobriety tests and agreed to take a breathalyzer test. His first result was a 0.18, the second result was a 0.20, and for the third test, he spit into the tube.

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DUI: Man who couldn’t stand demands breathalyzer, blows .174 despite ‘not intoxicated’ claims

Andrew ‘A.J.’ Stribling took out a fence, plowed through a yard, and went into a tree. Field sobriety tests had to be stopped for his own safety. He was then adamant about taking a breath test, as he was ‘not intoxicated’. Metro obliged, he blew a 0.174 BAC.

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DUI: Man overdoses in middle of traffic: “shooting up Roxy”

32-year-old Patrick Grimes was charged with DUI Monday night after he was found overdosed in a vehicle in the middle of two lanes of traffic. Nashville Fire used Narcan to reverse the effects of the drugs.

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Nashville Sheriff’s Officer found blacked out drunk in running car with handgun

Officer Hector Miguel Barragan, of the Nashville Sheriff’s Department, was found ‘asleep’ in North Nashville, blocking a driveway with this car, his door wide open, and his department issued handgun on the floor board, while heavily intoxicated, per MNPD.

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Party Down South star Mattie Breaux charged with DUI in Nashville

30-year-old Mattie Lynn Breaux told Metro Police she had taken unprescribed hydrocodone and drank two beers before crashing her Honda Accord on I-24 at 2:17 a.m Monday morning. She is free on a $2,500 bond, charged with DUI.

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DUI: Woman blows over double legal limit, says she had nothing to drink, per police. #Arrested

24-year-old Kaitlyn Harville was charged with DUI just after 3 a.m. Thursday morning. She first told officers she had ‘not that much’ to drink, then changed her answer to ‘nothing’ to drink. She blew a .184 on the breathalyzer, over twice the legal limit in Tennessee.

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Musician Daniel B. Marshal charged with DUI

Local musician Danial B. Marshall has earned his Nashville musician stripes as he was charged with his first DUI just after 3 a.m. Friday morning after police stopped him for going 58 in a 40 on Hermitage Avenue.

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DUI: “I’ve been ‘day drinking’ all day, just left my house to go drink some more”, per police.

DUI Arrest: Metro Police say 26-year-old Erika Laman told them she had been “day drinking [wine] all day” before leaving her apartment to go drink some more wine at another location. She got into a wreck along the way.

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Strong odor of ‘lake water’ coming from youth’s mouth after crash, per MNPD…

Metro Nashville police describe the breath of underage Brennan Bailey as ‘a strong odor of lake water, and a lesser odor of alcohol’. It appears after crashing his car, Bailey is alleged to have grabbed his drug stash of alcohol, a bong, 2 bowls, and his passport, tossing them near a creek where he also washed out his mouth.

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Man who crashed into pole says no alcohol consumed, just smoked weed; Xanax found in vehicle

Metro Police responded to multiple reports of a car that crashed into a pole around 3:30 a.m. Monday morning, near Cherokee Rd. / Aberdeen Rd. and continued driving. The driver, Bryce Buyna, says he didn’t drink, but had smoke marijuana earlier.

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Man demands breath test to prove sobriety: blows .245, 3x legal limit.

Brant Peter Adam put his car into a grass median as he was followed by an Officer early Thursday morning. He then demanded a breath test to prove his sobriety. Twice. The officer obliged, and Brant Adam blew a .245, over 3 times the legal limit of .08 in Tennessee.

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Man charged with vehicular homicide after I-24 crash overnight

31-year-old Elvin Portillo is charged with vehicular homicide by intoxication for a crash on I-24 East near Harding Place that claimed the life of a 57-year-old Bobby Douglas of 26th Avenue North.

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Man free on pre-trial for DUI gets 2nd DUI, given pre-trial again, says GPS made him drive on wrong side of road

Mark Moses, of South Nashville, was arrested just before daylight Monday morning, as he told police repeatedly “it was the GPS’s fault” he was driving drunk on the wrong side of Bell Road. He was already out on pre-trial release from a January DUI, and he was soon be set free on it, a 2nd time.

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Woman charged with 4th DUI: passed out behind the wheel on Suboxone, Gabapentin, Adderall, and Lithium.

48-year-old Barbara Montgomery is jailed on her 4th DUI charge, after MNPD found her passed out behind the wheel of her vehicle in a McDonald’s parking lot with her car in drive, and foot on the brake. She had taken Suboxone, Gabapentin, adderall, and Lithium.

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Woman charged with DUI (2nd) while driving ‘Fat Bottom Brewing’ branded company van

34-year-old Melissa Wilson, of Mt. Juliet, was driving the ‘Fat Bottom Brewing’ company van when she crashed at the I-40 entrance ramp. She blew a .199 BAC on a breath test, and told officers she “had a beer during lunch.”

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DUI Details: Nashville Fire Fighter had ‘3 beers’ before blowing .204% BAC

Nashville Fire Fighter Brandon Ray Womack told Goodlettsville Police he had “three one-pint beers, with a few pieces of chicken” a couple of hours prior to wrecking his vehicle and blowing a .204% BAC on a breath test.

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DUI: East Nashville woman arrested in Kroger parking lot while going to buy wine

56-year-old Sharon Faison was jailed Wednesday afternoon, charged with DUI & resisting, after she was arrested in the parking lot of an East Nashville Kroger, where she drove up on a curb and told police she was going to buy wine.

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Mother charged with 4th DUI on way to pick up 5-year-old child

28-year-old Candice Nicole Gamble remains jailed on a $22,000 bond today, after a Friday night arrest charging her with DUI – 4th Offense, at which time she told police she was on the way to pick up her five-year-old child.

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D.A.’s office will prosecute passenger, but not off-duty officer, on identical charge

Today marks the point of no return for the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. Today is the day they define two clear and distinct paths for prosecuting crimes in Nashville – one for police, and one for citizens.
Two people in the same car got charged with identical crimes. One was an off-duty cop, whose charges the D.A. refused to prosecute. The passenger, a citizen with no priors, will be prosecuted in a Nashville courtroom this morning at 9 a.m. by the same D.A.’s office, for the same charge.

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