Woman says she used heroin before she was in three-car Antioch crash — Rachel Oliphant

37-year-old Rachel Oliphant told officers she had just used heroin before being involved in a three-car crash just before 8 a.m. Monday in Antioch. Nashville fire found her unconscious behind the wheel, and revived her with Narcan, per court documents. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman charged in East Nashville DUI – just moments away from her home — Logan McCullough

26-year-old Logan McCullough was charged with DUI on Saturday in East Nashville after Officer Paul Stein says he observed her perform a rolling stop at a stop sign, then cross several lines and swerve as he followed her. Despite his emergency lights, it took a few goes with the emergency siren before she eventually acknowledged him and pulled over. She denied drinking, however, Stein says she reeked of alcohol and was obviously intoxicated. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Man crashes work van into strip club fence after leaving inside; drank “half-bottle of jack” — Robert Fontaine

33-year-old Robert Fontaine was dressed in his work shirt and driving his Nashville Machine Elevator work van when he arrived at Pure Gold’s Crazy Horse Nashville Friday evening. As he was leaving the strip club, security attempted to dissuade him from driving due to his level of intoxication, however, he fled the parking lot, crashing into the fence along McCann St. He would later tell officers he had a “half-bottle of Jack”. Due to being transported to the hospital, field sobriety tests were not completed. Fontaine was charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release.

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Nashville revokes bail for repeat DUI offender Thomas Courtney, Mt. Juliet Restaurant Owner

After Mt. Juliet & Wilson County authorities declined to even require their beloved citizen to post a bond after committing a brutal assault on his fiance, or for multiple prior DUI and other related offenses, Nashville has stepped in to revoke his bond on one of his cases in Davidson County. On Thursday, both the Davidson County District Attorney and his Nashville probation officer filed separate motions with the court which were granted.

One is a violation of his probation, citing he failed a drug test on October 19th and was subsequently arrested for new charges in Wilson County. The other, a motion from ADA Laney Ann Heard, notes he has 4 pending probation violations in Wilson County, received a citation for texting-while-driving in August, in addition to the new arrests, and asks the court to revoke his bond until a hearing can be held in Nashville. Both orders were signed early yesterday and he was surrendered on the charges to the county jail, where he will remain until his next hearing, which will happen next week.

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Mt. Juliet Restaurant owner charged in assault of girlfriend — Thomas Courtney arrested, yet again.

The 52-year-old troubled alcoholic Mt. Juliet restaurant owner, Thomas P. Courtney, has been booked into jail yet again and released on his own recognizance, this time after assaulting his girlfriend, leaving her badly bruised. Court records show the pair were driving on I-40 when he began swerving and driving erratically in response to an argument over a text message, and when she attempt to get the car back under control, he crashed the car off the road, pulled her out, and assaulted her by kicking her in the face, leaving her in the mud, locking the car, and walking away from the scene. A Wilson County magistrate released him on his own recognizance, as with most of his other dozen arrests. He was arrested again the following day for violating his Wilson County Probation, has multiple open DUI & other cases in both Wilson County and Nashville, and refuses to abide by interlock restrictions. His license to drive was revoked on 10/08/2021 – if you see him driving in Mt. Juliet, please immediately call the police at 615-754-2550.

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DUI: Man blows 0.22 BAC with White Claw cans & Jim Beam bottle in car — Alexander Hargis arrested

Less than a month after his 21st birthday, Alexander Hargis faces a DUI charge after officers stopped him for an issue with his front headlight. Upon approaching the vehicle, empty cans of White Claw and an open bottle of Jim Beam were immediately noticed. Hargis agreed to a breathalyzer and blew a 0.22 BAC. He is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Woman snorts heroin, gets behind wheel, nods out — Samantha Crawford arrested

Police say 39-year-old Samantha Crawford admitted to snorting a line of heroin at a South Nashville Mapco before she got behind the wheel of her car. She doesn’t remember anything after that, however, her passenger says he had to suddenly grab the steering wheel and attempt to navigate the vehicle for a mile before he was able to get it to stop after she nodded off from an overdose. Nashville Fire responded to the scene and revived her with two doses of Narcan. She is charged with DUI, and driving on a suspended license, and is free on pre-trial release. Crawford’s nursing license was suspended for drug use earlier this year after she admitted to using drugs while working as a jail nurse.

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Motorist chases down DUI driver who hit him after she drank at Dogwood — Dana Winfrey

24-year-old Dana Winfrey says she had 1 mimosa at Dogwood Nashville earlier in the day before driving her vehicle and crashing into another vehicle on I-65, and fleeing the scene. The victim followed her and blocked her in when she stopped, and waited for police to arrive. Police observed a video of her driving away after the crash, and charged her with DUI, violation of the implied consent law, and leaving the scene of an accident. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: The Crying Wolf Bar Co-Owner Erica Ness blows .232 BAC after striking utility pole near work

41-year-old Erica Ness, co-owner of Nashville’s The Crying Wolf Bar blew a .232 BAC in the early hours of Saturday morning after crashing her vehicle into a utility pole on Gallatin Ave. That’s nearly three times the legal limit of .08 BAC in Tennessee. She is charged with DUI, and free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Man charged after 2-3 glasses of wine, marijuana, expired tags — Scott Jones arrested

26-year-old Scott Jones was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail wearing his fall-colored turtleneck in the early hours of Tuesday morning after police initially observed him driving a vehicle with tags that expired in 2020. During the traffic stop Officer Womack determined he was intoxicated, and though he initially claimed only “one drink”, he later admitted to having 2-3 glasses of wine and smoking marijuana before driving. Jones is charged with DUI, and free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Singer/Songwriter Veronica Stanton charged after drinking “two beers” before driving at 3:30 AM

28-year-old Veronica Stanton, a singer/songwriter who moved to Nashville from Jenkintown, PA, was found swerving on Gallatin Ave just after 3:30 AM Monday. She admitted to having “two beers” earlier in the night. Police say she performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and was then booked into the Metro Nashville Jail. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: 3 wine drinks, a hot tub, and downtown burn-outs — Sandro Kozul arrested

25-year-old Sandro Kozul is free on pre-trial release after police say he was doing a burn-out in downtown Nashville shortly after having “three wine drinks” in a hot tub. His speech was reportedly slow and mumbled, and he eventually blew a 0.127 BAC.

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Woman charged with downtown DUI says she had a “single drink at work before leaving — Catherine Friend

25-year-old Catherine Friend is charged with DUI after driving on KVB at 1st Ave. South in downtown Nashville with a damaged front tire. Police made contact with her and noticed immediate signs of intoxication. She admitted to having ‘a single drink’ before leaving her job, and was transported to booking after a stop at Metro General for a blood draw, to which she consented. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Mom charged after being high on drugs in school pick-up line — Lindsey Pugh arrested

Metro Nashville Police found 31-year-old Lindsey Pugh high on Suboxone, and even had a fresh one in her mouth, Thursday afternoon as she was picking up her children from Mt. View Elementary School when she bumped into another vehicle in the pick-up line. She admitted to being on the drug, and that she was also on it earlier that morning when dropping one of her sons off at the school. She is free on a $2,500 bond, charged with her second DUI.

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Nashville lawyer Rachel E. Taylor charged with DUI after I-40 crash, blows 0.151 BAC

32-year-old Nashville corporate healthcare attorney Rachel E. Taylor blew nearly double the legal limit, a 0.151 BAC, after a crash on I-40 late Wednesday night. She reportedly told officers she was attempting to follow the directions from her GPS when a vehicle cut her off and she over-corrected, causing her to lose control and crash into a guard rail. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel of Tesla in Nashville’s Music Valley — Jarod Parker

Just three months after moving to Nashville, Metro Police found 22-year-old Jarod Parker asleep behind the wheel of his red Tesla at the intersection of Music Valley Dr & McGavock Pk. Officers say he was belligerent upon being awoken from his slumber and reeked of alcohol. Parker was charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: 21-year-old crashes after 2 Truly drinks & 4 tequila shots at Halloween Pary — Seth Cann

21-year-old Seth Cann is charged with DUI after leaving a Halloween party and crashing his car. When asked for his insurance, he provided a Valvoline service card. Cann admitted to having two Truly drinks, and 3-4 tequila shots before driving. After urinating on himself in the breathalyzer room at booking, he is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman claims she was run off the road by ex in attempt to cover up DUI — Mary McDonough

30-year-old Mary McDonough is charged with DUI after she crashed into a utility pole and large water storage tank which belonged to Army Surplus on Nolensville Pike. McDonough initially told officers she was “ran off the road by her ex-boyfriend who was stalking her”, and that she had urinated on herself because “police scared her when they arrived”. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Woman blows over double the legal BAC after West Nashville crash — Hannah Coots

28-year-old Hannah Coots says she had a Corona, three beers, and a couple of shots of Bourbon before crashing her vehicle in West Nashville Sunday night. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, officers say she blew a 0.191 BAC on a breathalyzer test.

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DUI: woman blows .255 BAC after crash on her own street — Corinne Bond

43-year-old Corinne Bond is charged with #DUI after blowing over three times the legal limit on a breathalyzer test. Neighbors called 911 after she struck a parked vehicle on her own street. Despite a 0.255 BAC, she claimed to have only consumed two Bud Light Platinums prior to the crash, one of which was still open inside the crashed vehicle.

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DUI: Woman found pantless & passed out behind wheel of her car at Green Hills bar — Madeline Beck

#GreenHills: 24-year-old Maddie Beck was found pantsless and unconscious, locked inside her car with the keys in the ignition, in the parking lot of Joe’s Place bar at 2 a.m. Monday morning. Once awakened, she was reportedly belligerent to officers and medics, and only admitted to drinking a single beer before demanding her lawyer. Her bartender, Brianna Scott, told police she drank two beers and two shots. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Fan blows .257 BAC in stadium parking lot crash after Titans’ win Sunday — Justin Oakley

27-year-old Justin Oakley was charged with #DUI Sunday after crashing his vehicle in the parking lot of Nissan Stadium after the game. He admitted to consuming “4 shots of Bacardi” from a bottle found in the vehicle. He consented to a breathalyzer, on which he blew a 0.257 BAC, more than 3 times the legal limit in Tennessee. Oakley, from Hermitage, is free on pre-trial release, spending less than 3 hours in jail.

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Nashville musician offers to f-*- Watertown Police Officer “in the booty” during rant after arrest — Arthur Robinson

45-year-old Arthur ‘Arty’ Robinson work at Paradise Park on his motorcycle, and by the time he reached Watertown city limits he was doing 73 in a 45 mph zone, which was the most exciting moment the tiny town of 1500’s police department had for the entire week. After officer Nick Deck made the arrest for DUI, Robinson decided to unleash a verbal assault on Officer Deck, offering to “f— you in the booty”, and detailing what a “sad b—-” the officer was. It’s so graphic, you’ll have to click for the details…

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