Brad Adams tells police he did “booger sugar” prior to nodding out & crashing his car

45-year-old Brad Adams was found unconscious behind the wheel of his 2017 Nissan Altima, which had just crashed into a utility pole at the intersection of Hwy 100 and Old Hickory Blvd last month. First responders administered Narcan to Adams, which ushered life back into him. Adams explained he had taken “Booger Sugar,” further clarifying he snorted cocaine. Officers noted both his pinpoint pupils and an empty bottle of vodka in his vehicle. Adams was transported to the hospital and cited for DUI. He was booked on that citation this week.

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James ‘Chip’ Selewski charged with DUI after 6 bourbon-based drinks with dinner

41-year-old James ‘Chip’ Selewski self-booked for a citation this week, charging him with a DUI from late July. Police say he was driving home from Mother’s Ruin just after 9 p.m. after having “5 to 6 bourbon-based drinks” with dinner. He proceeded to roll his vehicle in a crash at 6th & Monroe. First responders say he reeked of alcohol and was “violently vomiting” as they pulled him from the vehicle. He was transported to Vanderbilt, and due to being admitted for medical treatment, he was issued a citation in lieu of arrest.

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