Man says he used cocaine & opioids prior to crash — Mitchell Baxter

32-year-old Michell Baxter told paramedics he used cocaine and opioids prior to a crash on December 23rd. Baxter was initially found unresponsive in the driver’s seat of his crashed truck, unresponsive with fixed pinpoint pupils and a slight pulse. Narcan was administered and he eventually became responsive as he was being transferred onto the gurney. He stated he remembered nothing about the wreck, and refused to answer any questions after being read his rights. Baxter was charged with DUI 2nd and violation of the implied consent law. Baxter also received a citation charging him with DUI 2nd in October, for which he has not yet been to court. He remains jailed in lieu of a $2,500 bond.

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Restaurant owner Thomas Courtney sentenced to 1 year in jail on DUI 3rd charge, loses license for 6 years

Mt. Juliet Business owner Thomas Courtney was sentenced on Monday to an 11 months and 29 days jail sentence in his DUI 3rd case in Davidson County. He was already in custody for his trial after a Nashville judge revoked his bond for multiple probation violations and repeated arrests in Wilson county, who continued to ROR him back into society to continue to commit crimes without penalty. As a part of his Nashville sentence, he will be required to participate in and complete the New Avenue alcohol treatment program within the Davidson County Detention Center. After applying the automatic percentage of sentencing and time already served, Courtney is scheduled for release on July 26th of 2022, at which time he will still have trials and sentencing in Wilson County for cases including a probation violation (x3), domestic assault, and driving on a revoked license (x2). As part of his Davidson County sentence, Courtney will lose his driver’s license for six years. Judge Higgins set a special condition to Courtney’s sentence, which prevents him from petitioning the court for an early release, for any reason, other than the stand time calculations given to every inmate at the facility.

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Man Huffing ‘Endust’ arrested for 3rd DUI says “I deserve the punishment I get”.

Officers found driver Ryan M Criss with a can of ‘Endust’ up close to his face in the driver’s side of the vehicle, which was cold to the touch. Criss admitted he had been ‘huffing’ for the past several hours, and stated that was ‘probably’ the reason he lost control of his vehicle.

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