Woman booted from Honky Tonk Central after assaulting security — Millicent ‘Millie’ Martin

36-year-old Millicent ‘Millie’ Martin was being kicked out of Honky Tonk Central early Saturday evening after she reportedly assaulted a security guard. When she refused to leave, police were called, and charged her with public intoxication, and transported her to booking, where she remained for the 8-hour sobering up period. Security staff did not press charges.

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Dude, that’s not your friend’s car… Drunk man climbs inside stranger’s car — Tavis Cobb

21-year-old Tavis Cobb was leaning against a car in the Commerce St garage downtown Sunday night, believing it was his friend’s vehicle. When someone came up to the car and unlocked it, Tavis climbed inside, too intoxicated to realize it was neither his friend, nor his friend’s vehicle. He was unable to call anyone, he didn’t have a phone with him, and only knew he was “in Nashville”. Cobb was charged with public intoxication and taken to booking for the night.

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Another football fan arrested for being too intoxicated at Titans’ game – Taylor Denney

MNPD Officer Megan Arnett made a second arrest of an intoxicated person at the Titans’ game Sunday… 31-year-old Taylor Denney was reportedly causing a scene inside the stadium, having trouble standing on his own, and refused to leave on his own, so she took him into custody and charged him with #PublicIntoxication. Denney was also flagged to serve the full eight-hour hold before being released.

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