DUI: Man flees after crash, tells police he’s “a lightweight when it comes to drinking”— Michael Simonetti

31-year-old Michael Simonetti, who described himself to police as “a lightweight when it comes to drinking” called to report he had been in a crash just over 90 minutes earlier. Police met him just down the street, where they discovered a puddle and trail of fresh alcohol, which he had poured out the window of his vehicle. He says he left the scene because he believed the other vehicle also left. Inside the car, police found 6 empty Captain Morgan bottles, and a glass with ice and liquor inside, along with other random alcohol cans.

He failed field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI, violation of implied consent law, and leaving the scene of an accident.

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DUI: Man admits to several mixed drinks before blowing double BAC limit in East Nashville — Alexander McMillan

22-year-old Alexander McMillan was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Saturday morning after blowing a 0.174 BAC, which is over twice the legal limit in Tennessee, after an East Nashville traffic stop. Metro Police say he was traveling at 42 in a 30 mph zone and crossing the marked lines on the roadway before failing to stop at a stop sign at Eastland Avenue & Riverside Drive. McMillan admitted to having three mixed drinks prior to driving. He is charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman claims she was run off the road by ex in attempt to cover up DUI — Mary McDonough

30-year-old Mary McDonough is charged with DUI after she crashed into a utility pole and large water storage tank which belonged to Army Surplus on Nolensville Pike. McDonough initially told officers she was “ran off the road by her ex-boyfriend who was stalking her”, and that she had urinated on herself because “police scared her when they arrived”. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Musician Brian Elliot Hyken charged with DUI after colliding with a fire hydrant in East Nashville

31-year-old Brian Elliot Hyken, who performs under the name “Brian Elliot” says he had “3 gin & tonics” at the Pearl Diver in East Nashville before he ran over a curb to collide with shrubbery and a fire hydrant in the early hours of August 31st. He refused a breathalyzer and was charged with DUI. He is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Woman blows nearly 3x BAC limit after crash — DNeshia Mitchell arrested

Police say 22-year-old Dneshia Mitchell blew a 0.231 BAC after crashing her car in Antioch. She sustained minor injuries, and completed field sobriety tests in her bare feet, after locking her keys in her car after the crash, with her shoes and socks inside. Mitchell says she had “two shots of Jack Daniel’s” ten minutes before driving. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI Ridin’ Dirty: Man tosses beer bottle out window, lies about it, admits it; asks for lawyer, talks anyway — Jamie Levitt

Metro Police say 33-year-old Jamie Levitt was driving 83 in a 55 mph zone at 6:52 p.m. on Friday when he suddenly crossed four lanes of traffic while merging from I-440E onto I-40. As an officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Levitt reportedly tossed a beer bottle out the window, then denied it, then eventually admitted it. He asked for a lawyer but then continued telling the officer about how his intoxication. He blew a 0.103 BAC.

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DUI: Nashville lawyer found drunk & disorderly in McDonald’s Drive-thru – blows .226

50-year-old Nashville Lawyer Benjamin Ashley Hodges was found in a South Nashville drive-thru just after 2:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to police. He was reportedly in a Toyota Yaris, hanging out of the driver’s side window yelling at the vehicle behind him in line. He would eventually blow a .226 on a breath test.

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Man charged with vehicular homicide after I-24 crash overnight

31-year-old Elvin Portillo is charged with vehicular homicide by intoxication for a crash on I-24 East near Harding Place that claimed the life of a 57-year-old Bobby Douglas of 26th Avenue North.

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