Man so drunk he continues to drive damaged vehicle after crash — Elijah Gang #WhiteBoyWasted

26-year-old Elijah Gang was driving around in a recently crashed vehicle when he drove right into an area which police were preparing for the NYE event in downtown Nashville. An officer approached him to make sure he was ok, and that he realized how damaged his vehicle was. The front-end had heavy damage and the left front tire was completely flat. Gang reeked of alcohol and refused to answer most questions.

Inside the Toyota Rav4 was an open Miller High Life beer can and multiple cans of Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Things. Gang was charged with DUI, violation of the implied consent law, and open containers. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, just a few blocks away, and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Man has 5 drinks at downtown bar before crashing car on way home — Bohlt Hamrick 0.166 BAC

23-year-old Bohlt Hamrick told police he had around 5 drinks at a #DowntownNashville bar Wednesday night, a mix of both beer and liquor, before he began the drive home. Police and medics would find him extremely intoxicated in a crashed car on Riverbank Drive, where a home security camera captured him speeding down Stone Hall Blvd, striking a curb, and coming to rest in the intersection. He told police he “was just driving home” in the neighborhood, however, he lives in a neighborhood approximately 8 miles away. After field sobriety tests, Hamrick submitted to a breathalyzer, where he blew a 0.166 BAC – over double the legal limit. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with DUI / driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Nashville Musician Jess Coppens charged with DUI after admitting to drinking & using phone before crash — 0.176 BAC

27-year-old musician Jessica Coppens was booked into the Metro Nasvhille Jail early Tuesday morning after a crash with injuries on East Trinity Lane in Nashville. She initially told police she was at fault for the wreck and admitted to running a red light while looking at her phone. She also admitted to consuming three beers in the four hours prior to driving. Police say she performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and blew over twice the legal limit on the breathalyzer, a 0.176 BAC. She was charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: woman ‘sleeps it off’ behind wheel of running vehicle overnight, still blows 0.087 the next morning — Lindsey Dixon

34-year-old Lindsey Dixon was charged with DUI Friday morning after officers found her slumped over the wheel of a running vehicle on Music Circle East. Initially concerned she may be in need of medical attention, officers stopped to check on her, at which time she began telling officers the story of why she was parked in this location, which they noted she “was rambling and talking in circles, but did manage to tell officers she had been drinking the night before”. She eventually blew a 0.087 BAC, even after having been asleep behind the wheel of the running car for a few hours. Dixon was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is free on pre-trial release.

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Man passed out behind wheel drunk while attempting to pay for parking, police say

Metro Police say 45-year-old Neyder McDonald was found passed out in the driver’s seat of his vehicle at the pay station just before the security barrier of a downtown parking garage just before 1 a.m. Friday. The vehicle was still in drive, and it appears he had pulled up to pay and passed out from intoxication, per an arrest report.

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Ashley Purdy urinated “all over” back seat of police car after being found unresponsive, police say

One week after announcing his departure from the Black Veil Brides, 40-year-old Ashley Purdy was found by Metro Nashville Police unresponsive behind the wheel of his vehicle, with the engine running. He was eventually awakened by the officers, who placed him in the rear of their patrol vehicle where he urinated “all over the back seat of the patrol vehicle” on the way to the hospital, and threatened officers when they discovered it, per an arrest report.

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Man Arrested for Outstanding DUI Warrant After Fleeing From 2nd Crash in 2 Weeks

Matthew Giger, 23, was arrested on Sunday for an outstanding DUI warrant from a September 1st crash, after he had a brand new crash yesterday, and fled the scene, pretending he was never in an accident.

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