DUI: woman ‘sleeps it off’ behind wheel of running vehicle overnight, still blows 0.087 the next morning — Lindsey Dixon

34-year-old Lindsey Dixon was charged with DUI Friday morning after officers found her slumped over the wheel of a running vehicle on Music Circle East. Initially concerned she may be in need of medical attention, officers stopped to check on her, at which time she began telling officers the story of why she was parked in this location, which they noted she “was rambling and talking in circles, but did manage to tell officers she had been drinking the night before”. She eventually blew a 0.087 BAC, even after having been asleep behind the wheel of the running car for a few hours. Dixon was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: woman blows .255 BAC after crash on her own street — Corinne Bond

43-year-old Corinne Bond is charged with #DUI after blowing over three times the legal limit on a breathalyzer test. Neighbors called 911 after she struck a parked vehicle on her own street. Despite a 0.255 BAC, she claimed to have only consumed two Bud Light Platinums prior to the crash, one of which was still open inside the crashed vehicle.

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DUI: Pastor says he had “some Bourbon” before plowing into a vehicle at a red light & attempting to flee

57-year-old Pastor Lavan Strickland struck a vehicle at a red light on March 14th, then attempted to flee the scene, only to be stopped by a utility pole he then crashed into, disabling his vehicle. The person he crashed into suffered a lower-back injury, while the pastor admitted to having ‘some Bourbon’ but refused any other specifics.

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DUI 2 for 1: Drunk man crashes into drunk friend who crashed into a ditch, who he was coming to help

Melvil Arnt, 30, and Natasha Nancel, 24, were both charged with DUI overnight when Natasha left the Fox Bar in East Nashville and crashed into a ditch. She called her friend, Melvil, to come to assist, however, he struck her vehicle upon arrival. Both parties blew over double the legal BAC level.

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