Bryan Wingate: “I can’t go back home to her!” as he’s kicked out of gay bar in Nashville

35-year-old Bryan Wingate was kicked out of Nashville’s largest gay nightclub, Play Dance Bar, in the early hours of Sunday morning. He was advised to leave and not return, but he remained on the property. Metro Nashville Police arrived to find Wingate unable to walk and with slurred speech. He told officers, “I can’t go back home to her,” then cursed at the officers, calling them “bitch, and “fucker.” He was yelling and screaming and attempting to fight bar staff. He was transported to booking. It is not known if he went back to ‘her’ after being released from jail.

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Man holds another man at gunpoint, demands he delete a video of him, and give him $100

Police say 19-year-old Jahzeel Gayle came to see another man, supposedly to pay some money that was owed. While there, he reportedly racked the slide of a handgun and demanded the victim delete a video he had recorded of him, and CashApp him $100 or he would shoot him.

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