Robbery at Burger King “Where is my bread?” demands Montreal Bright, jailed on $252,000 bond

23-year-old Montreal Bright walked into his workplace, the Donelson Burger King, and immediately confronts another employee, Michael Crowley, screaming “Where’s my bread?” He then forces Crowley into the office and gunpoint and pistol-whips him across the back, causing severe injuries to his spinal column. Bright takes his phone and car keys before fleeing the scene.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Montreal Bright, charging him with especially aggravated robbery & vandalism. He was taken into custody on Christmas Day, where he remains jailed in lieu of a $252,000 bond.

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Man charged with stealing ex-girlfriend’s MacBook, using Amazon account to buy himself things — Evan Heskje

Isabella Bouma says her 24-year-old ex-boyfriend, Evan Heskje, stole her MacBook computer and used her saved Amazon shopping login, which was tied to her parent’s credit card, to order multiple things and ship them to his address. He is charged with felony theft, and is free on a $5,000 bond.

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McDonald’s Manager admits to stealing over 13K from deposits & fake employee payroll — Kelly Harris

55-year-old Kelly Harris is charged with the felony theft of over $13,000 from McDonald’s. As a salaried manager at the Donelson Pike location, court records allege she took money from the nightly cash deposits, added extra hours to her daughter’s paychecks, and paid hours in the name of a terminated employee to a payroll card which she was in possession of. Harris confessed during an interview.

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Nashville COVID19 Heatmap – See the current hot spots!

See the #COVID19 hot spots in Nashville. These are the geographic locations for positive COVID-19 cases reported to Nashville’s Metro Public Health Department. Darker red shading indicates areas with the highest number of cases.

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Man pours vodka on sleeping girlfriend, strangles her while yelling ‘I know you don’t love me anymore’, per police.

Metro Police responded to a Donelson home just before 5 a.m. Sunday morning, to find Robert McCullough, III, had woke his girlfriend up by pouring vodka on her body, pulled her from the bed by her ankles, threw her back onto the bed, and strangled her while yelling “I know you don’t love me anymore!”

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Spot’s Pet Supply owner Chad Baker sued over another dog’s injury/death.

A lawsuit has been filed against Chad Baker, an owner of Spot’s Pet Supply (and also of The Dog Spot), in response to the death of Lucy, a dog that was allegedly injured while in their care last year. Chad Baker has been on the losing end of another lawsuit recently, due to the death of a dot at The Dog Spot location in East Nashville, which as recently closed, as did as their downtown location.

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Man charged with statutory rape after sex at Waffle House ‘multiple times’ with co-worker

The pair admitted to having sex ‘multiple times’ at the Donelson Waffle House on Lebanon Pike, where they were co-workers. He is Benjamin McDonald, 25, she had just turned 17. Now he’s charged with statutory rape in 2 counties.

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Officers spotted him in the parking lot, instantly recognizing him as a wanted person

If you’re going to be a criminal, being this recognizable will not likely help your career when it comes to running from police. That’s a lesson Joshua Parsons learned the hard way Wednesday night, when he was spotted across a parking lot, and immediately identified as a wanted person.

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Donelson drug bust: Edibles, THC Wax, LSD, MDMA, 3/4 pound marijuana – 2 arrested

#Donelson: Christopher Fun, 26, and Alan Servin, 29, are free on pre-trial release after Metro detectives executed a search warrant in Donelson Monday, resulting in the discovery of a THC wax manufacturing operation, and the seizure of over three-quarters of a pound of marijuana, edibles, LSD, MDMA, & money.

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Man Arrested for Making Bomb Threat Joke at Nashville Airport – BNA

He made what he considered a joking comment, saying “What if there is a bomb threat?” – as if to state this would cause flights to resume their scheduled departures from the airport. 

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Frank Trew: Another $87,000 Debt – How It Happened.

A tip to led us to discover another debt that was perhaps leading to the admitted ‘dire financial circumstance” that Frank Trew referenced in

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