Man charged in assault of girlfriend at their shared workplace — James Meadows

56-year-old James Meadows was booked into jail on an outstanding warrant, charging him with a domestic assault from November 30th. His lover and co-worker at Tiny Dog Pet Supply, Jamie Ellington, were arguing over cheating allegations while at the store, resulting in him Meadows shoving her. The victim says she fell and struck her head as a result of the shove, causing a laceration that required her to be transported for medical treatment. Meadows fled before officers arrived.

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Woman calls 911 to report a robbery that never happened — Kaylyn McCracken arrested

34-year-old Kaylyn McCracken called 911 and reported she was currently being robbed and thrown out of her house by two men and three women. A full police response to the strong-arm robbery-in-progress was immediately initiated to intercept the five assailants and rescue the woman. As police arrived on the scene, it became immediately apparent there was no robbery happening. In fact, McCracken was a visitor to the residence and was upset over an argument about coffee. She had actually attacked the two women and one man, who were the only other people at the residence. She now faces a felony charge of filing a false report.

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Shamira Jones jailed after assaulting boyfriend with broom & calling police on herself

Tahj Jackson says his girlfriend and mother of his child, 19-year-old Shamira Jones, told him she was packing her things and leaving him. He continued to attempt to go to sleep in the bedroom when she then ripped the covers off him and attacked him with a broom. In self-defense, he quickly overpowered her, during which time the broom struck her in the face and she called 911. When officers arrived, Jones stated: “I tried to hit him first, I’m not even going to lie… he probably has scratches on him”. Police documented his injures and took Jones into custody.

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Ryan Stone goes into a brutal “fit of rage” when PlayStation 5 is unplugged by girlfriend

24-year-old Ryan Stone accused his girlfriend, Ashanti Moore, of “playing with him” when she had gone out to get contacts and her phone died. When she returned, he confronted her in their bedroom and pushed her to the floor. She then told him he had to leave the house and unplugged the HDMI and ethernet cords from his PlayStation 5, which “sent him into a fit of rage” during which he pushed her into a wall, grabbed the back of her head, pressed her face onto the floor, and struck her in the back of the head. She believes she lost consciousness during the assault.

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Woman charged with biting baby’s daddy, attacking him with a drawerful of knives — Hailey Rigsby

Dylan Davis says the mother of his child, 29-year-old Hailey Rigsby, was attempting to start a verbal argument, however, he refused to respond or give her a reaction, so she began to grab at him in an aggressive manner. In order to prevent her from injuring him, he says he wrapped his arms around her in a burrito-style hold and she bit him on the arm. She then moved around and threw a drawerful of knives and forks at him, and used a knife to cut him on the face. She was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and police documented multiple injures, including a bite mark, on the victim.

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DUI: Where are you going? “Just a few licenses away” — Samuel Fruend, arrested

Metro Nashville Police found 29-year-old Samuel Fruend slumped over in the seat of his vehicle, which was parked in the middle of a lane of travel in East Nashville. As they woke him up, they asked where he was trying to go, to which Fruend replied “just a few licenses away”, and was unsure what part of town he was in. He stated he had one drink at Basement East before the incident, and more drinks at another bar before that. He eventually blew a 0.165% BAC and was taken into custody.

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Man charged after flashing handgun while drinking at South Nashville bars — Ulises Arzate

23-year-old Ulises Arzate is free on pre-trial release after police first received a call of a person who was flashing a gun in the parking lot of a Hooters restaurant in South Nashville after drinking inside. While officers were en route to the incident, Arzate walked to the San Jose Fiesta restaurant, where they located the man wearing a grey zippered hoodie. He had a bucket of Modelos on ice in the center of the table and one open one in front of him. When asked about a handgun, he raised his shirt and presented a tan Glock 43X MOS in his waistband. He admitted to having three beers while at Hooters and was charged with possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Zakeri Greer fires shot outside baby mama’s house, threatens to come back with AK-47 — free on $1K bond

Metro Police responded to a shots-fired call on Briarwick Drive on February 17th, during which 20-year-old Zakeri Greer had threatened his child’s mother, Jasmine Howse, then allegedly drove by her home and fired a gun. As police were taking her report, Greer texted the victim, stating he was heading back over, and this time he was bringing his AK-47, placing her in imminent fear of her life.

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Florida woman charged in attack of sister-in-law after leaving Whiskey Row — Jamie Nations

34-year-old Jamie Nations is charged with the domestic assault and bodily injury of her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Diane Thenthirath, after leaving Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville. As the two were walking back to their vehicle, an argument began because of a 3rd party who was walking with them from the bar. It turned physical when Jamie attacked Elizabeth, leaving her with scratch marks and blood on her face and ear when officers arrived.

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Woman charged in assault of boyfriend when he says he can’t protect her from an ex in jail — Tiffany Russ

Police say 48-year-old Tiffany Russ was drinking when she received a message from an ex-boyfriend who was in jail in Memphis, and her current boyfriend told her he was unable to protect her from the ex-boyfriend who was in jail. Witnesses say she became increasingly angry and began to use a knife to cut up furniture around the home, also breaking a window and a vase. When the current boyfriend, Ronald DeVaughn, tried to “calm her down” she slashed at him with the knife causing him to be in fear she was going to attack him.

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Irma Alvarez charged in knife attack of ex-boyfriend after discovering he was texting other women

34-year-old Irma Alvarez is jailed in lieu of a $25,000 bond after being booked on an outstanding warrant from May charging her with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The warrant was issued after a nurse called police when Jairo Lagos presented to the emergency room with an already bandaged laceration from a knife wound. He revealed he had been at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and when she discovered he had been texting other females she took his phone and grabbed a kitchen knife, attempting to stab him. He grabbed the knife in an attempt to disarm him, but as she pulled the knife back it left a severe cut to his right hand.

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Colorado woman deemed too drunk for the Nashville International Airport — Nicole Benallo

Police say 40-year-old Nicole Benallo was found sitting on the ground near a crosswalk at the Nashville International Airport. Callers reported she had stumbled and fallen onto the ground. As officers approached to assist, they could immediately smell alcohol coming from her and noted her extreme level of intoxication. Due to her inability to care for herself in public, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Teen says father assaulted him over cookies — Jose Serrano, arrested

42-year-old Jose Serrano is charged with the assault of his 16-year-old son. The son called 911 to report his father grabbed him by the neck, strangling, injuring, and leaving marks on him, after his father became upset the child was eating cookies that were not his. Police documented multiple scratches and red marks on both sides of the child’s neck. The father says his son is disrespectful and has not been going to school, and he only fought back in self-defense, claiming his child tried to punch him.

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Upset over splitting tips, Joshua Taylor charged with assault of valet co-worker at Nashville Airport

29-year-old Joshua Taylor was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week on an outstanding warrant from December, charging him with his role in an assault. Airport Police say there arrived a fight occurring between temp service valet employees with a crowd watching when they arrived. Security footage shows Joshua Taylor, who says he was upset about splitting tips, grabbed a wooden barstool and lifted it above his head as if he were about to strike Ronnie George. George attempted to defend himself and stop the assault, however, Montrail Gleaves, who was also a temp employee, struck George from the back and then kicked him in the head when he fell to the ground.

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Zain Sheikh & Kally Dobak indicted on Cocaine conspiracy and sales charges in Nashville

In a newly unsealed indictment, 31-year-old Zain Sheikh & 25-year-old Kally Dobak are charged with selling cocaine together on multiple occasions, including three counts of selling over 26 grams together, all occurring in March and April of 2020. Kally also has an individual count of selling one-half gram of cocaine in March. Sheikh has been taken into custody and is held on a $75,000 bond. A warrant is outstanding for Dobak’s arrest.

A warrant is outstanding for Dobak’s arrest. Before her arrest earlier this week for a domestic violence charge, we were informed Dobak spent several hours preparing for her mugshot to be taken before turning herself in on that warrant, expecting that she would “get famous” from the publicity, and hoped to leverage the exposure for a role on a reality show.

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Drunk Milwaukee Nurse takes Nashville Police officer to the ground — Julie Elliot arrested

32-year-old Milwaukee Nurse Julie Elliot was causing a scene at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville just after last-call Thursday morning. Police say she was extremely intoxicated and causing a commotion in the lobby. Police confirmed she was not a guest, but had been stumbling on Broadway and concerned citizens walked her to the Hilton lobby. She walked away as police encountered her, reeking of alcohol and barely able to walk. She told officers she was walking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Due to her extreme intoxication and inability to care for herself, officers began to take her into custody for public intoxication. Elliot resisted, pulled away, and attempted to break free. Once cuffed, and as she was being escorted to the patrol car, she wrapped one of her legs around the front of MNPD Officer Blake Lutz’s right leg and then wrapped her other leg around the back of his right leg, causing them both to fall onto the ground, ripping his pants, and injuring his right knee. She continued to grapple as they attempted to place her into a patrol car.

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Man snatches weave out of ex-girlfriend’s head, punches her in face — Kedarius Gordon arrested

21-year-old Kedarius Gordon was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday on two outstanding warrants from December, charging him with felony vandalism and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. His ex-girlfriend, Patriona Jones, says she pulled into an apartment complex at which time he pulled up beside her in his Nissan Altima, grabbed a large wooden stick and put two large dents in her car, and destroyed the side mirror.

He then struck her in the face with the stick as they argued. She says he then began to punch her and pull out her hair. She grabbed some mace to defend herself, however, Gordon overpowered her and sprayed her with her own Mace. Police say only a small piece of her weave was still attached to her head as she flagged them down.

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Woman charged in assault & harassment of ex-girlfriend — Stasha Waters arrested

Metro Police say 21-year-old Stasha Waters was arguing with her ex-girlfriend, Johna Foxx, were arguing inside a vehicle when Waters reportedly pushed her hands onto Foxx’s face then punched her in the mouth before grabbing her by the hair and also punching the back of her head. Foxx says Waters then drive up and down her street several times after the fight ended and Facetimed her to show her a handgun, stating “I have something for you”.

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West Nashville Wingstop manager pulls gun on customer — Chaka-Khan Miller arrested

Police say 46-year-old West Nashville Wingstop Store Manager Chaka-Khan Miller went outside the store and retrieved a silver pistol from her Dodge Charger a pointed it at an upset customer who had just left the store and was still in the parking lot. She reportedly told the customer she was going to “burn her” while aiming the handgun at her. The argument began because the customer was told she had to use online ordering instead of ordering at the counter. Police retrieved the gun during a search of the manager’s office inside a filing cabinet.

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Woman assaults boyfriend after seeing Snapchat notification on his phone — Taquisha Burt

Metro Police say Jacques Jamar Smith called police after his girlfriend, 26-year-old Taquisha Burt, observed a SnapChat message pop up on his phone inside their Hickory Highlands apartment. She then threw a lotion bottle at him before running toward him, attacking him, leaving scratch marks on his back. He attempted to go outside and de-escalate the situation, however, Burt was not open to that option. Video footage corroborated the assault.

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Nicole Catchpole charged in domestic assault of boyfriend, Art Joyce, in downtown Nashville spat

39-year-old Nicole ‘Nicki’ Catchpole called police to assist her with getting her belongings from the Icon in the Gulch apartment of her boyfriend, Nashville investor & guitarist Art Joyce. She met officers in the lobby early Monday morning and explained the couple had been arguing since 2:30 a.m., and it had only escalated. She stated that he got in ‘close proximity to her face at one point and she struck him in the face with her cell phone. Police interviewed the victim, Arthur Joyce, and noticed visible injuries. Instead of assisting Nicki Catchpole with retrieving her belongings as she had requested, officers took her into custody and charged her with domestic assault.

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Nashville Rapper Tazzo arrested in felony domestic violence case — Ronteze Bowden

32-year-old Ronteze Bowden, better known as Nashville rapper Tezzo, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday on outstanding warrants from 2020 charging him with felony aggravated assault and interference with a 911 call. The warrants allege Bowden and his then-girlfriend, Erica Lillard, were in an argument about rent money when the assaulted her with a bottle of water, then wrapped his arms around her beck from behind causing her to be unable to breathe when he realized she was calling 911.

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Man charged with assaulting child’s mother with vape pen & fists — Naveah Young arrested

21-year-old Nevaeh Young is charged with the domestic assault of the mother of his child after she says he threw a vape pen at her, punched her, and knocked her to the ground during an argument. She called an ex-boyfriend, who then called the police to respond to the scene. Police documented the victim’s injuries and spoke with Young, who stated “I do have anger issues but we just had a verbal argument”.

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Midtown man charged in assault of boyfriend after drinking — Brett Curtis Finch arrested

Police say Jeremy Bauer told his boyfriend, 40-year-old Brett Finch, to “go to bed and stop arguing” after dinner and drinks. That’s when Bauer says Finch struck him in the face, causing a laceration to his lip. Police responded to the scene, and documented visible scratches on the victim’s neck and discovered a cracked screen on the victim’s phone, which Brett reportedly threw to the ground. Police issued two warrants for the arrest of Finch, as he had already fled the scene, and he was booked into the Metro Jail this week.

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Woman charged with felony after thrashing boyfriend with charging cable — Makiya London

19-year-old Makiya Ashley London is charged with aggravated domestic assault after police say she assaulted her boyfriend, Gage Quinn Cook, with a charging cable and punched him in the face several times after he reportedly told her “maybe you deserve to get cheated on”. The victim has injuries all across his back from the strikes with the cable.

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