Garrett Nash charged in assault of girlfriend after night of drinking on New Year’s Eve

26-year-old Garrett Nash and his girlfriend, Savannah Gulley Decker, were drinking with friends in downtown Nashville on New Year’s Eve when they got into a verbal argument. They shared an Uber back to Lichey Ave, where each had parked their own car at a friend’s home for the evening. As they waited there in their separate vehicles for the homeowner to also return, Garrett reportedly became impatient and wanted to return home to Clarksville. He reportedly demanded his girlfriend get into his car so they could leave, and she refused. She says he then pulled on both of her arms, leaving red marks on them. The homeowner arrived and asked Garrett to leave, but he refused. Officers then responded to the scene and determined him to be the primary aggressor in a domestic assault, and he was transported to jail.

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Israel Montiel Mezo charged with domestic assault after alleged rape of ex-girlfriend

33-year-old Israel Montiel Mezo is charged with burglary and domestic assault after his ex-girlfriend, Kimberly Black, says he forced his way into her hotel room, grabbed her and forced her onto the bed. She says he pulled down her clothing and penetrated her with his fingers as she screamed for help. As she got up to flee, she says he ripped her shirt as he also fled the scene. Officers documented abrasions on her neck and chest and issued warrants for Mezo’s arrest, charging him with domestic assault and aggravated burglary. He was booked on the outstanding warrants this week.

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Filipe Domingo Gomez charged in brutal assault of his pregnant girlfriend’s face

A citizen heard Brenda Elena Hernandez Fuentes screaming for help on December 7th and called 911. Officers responded to find Fuentes, who is pregnant, with swollen cheeks, and her face and shirt covered in blood. She stated she and the father of her unborn child, 18-year-old Filipe Domingo Gomez, were in her vehicle when he became upset when he could not locate his phone. He reportedly began striking her in the face repeatedly and then destroyed her cell phone. Officers noted his hands were covered in dried blood.

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David Tabora pushes pregnant sister in smelly situation

19-year-old David Tabora is charged with the domestic assault of his pregnant sister, Melissa Tabora, after a rancid situation ended in him pushing her. Melissa says she is currently pregnant and extremely sensitive to smells. She also says her brother David hasn’t been showering regularly. When he entered the kitchen, she covered her nose to avoid getting nauseous. This offended David, who began a verbal argument. Their mother attempted to diffuse the situation, and David began to argue with her. When Melissa began recording with her cell phone, she says David attempted to grab her phone and pushed her one time before retreating to his room.

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Norma Odilia-Macz attacks boyfriend with bicycle, gold belt, extension cord, and knife

24-year-old Norma Odilia-Macz was preparing for a child’s birthday party last week when she reportedly became increasingly intoxicated and began to attack her boyfriend of three years, Isaac Sonora De Jesus. Police were called to the scene after she threw a bicycle at the victim, smacked him with a brown extension cord, and hit him with a gold belt. Not finished with her drunken assault, she then grabbed a knife and began to attack his head, causing injuries that were treated by medics. Officers located the bloody knife, bicycle, extension cord, and gold belt, all of which were considered evidence of the crime.

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Octavious Bates “intoxicated and uncooperative” after assault on ex-girlfriend

Metro Nashville Police say 29-year-old Octavious Bates was “intoxicated and uncooperative” when they encountered him as the subject of a domestic assault call on Stratford Avenue. His ex-girlfriend, Kira Mercedes McKenzie, says she invited him over to visit, and at some point, he got drunk and became disorderly. During a subsequent argument, she says Bates grabbed both of her arms and lifted her against a wall, holding her there. Officers documented injuries and bruises to her forearm and bicep.

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Meskin Beshili assaults wife after she buys new vehicle without his knowledge

57-year-old Meskin Beshili says his wife, Suad Mustafa, bought a new vehicle without his knowledge. The couple had a verbal argument about the purchase, which escalated when his wife allegedly made a degrading statement about his mother. He says her words upset him, and he “pushed” his wife. During an interview, the victim states Meskin grabbed her by the arms and, pushed her to the couch, then slapped her in the face. Officers documented two injuries on her arm from the assault.

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Tyneshia Shant’e Woodland goes on rampage when boyfriend discovers she’s cheating

Police say 22-year-old Tyneshia Shante Woodland damaged the car of her boyfriend, Nadarius Henderson, on November 11th. Some of the damage includes scratches, a busted tail light, a busted headlight, and attempts to puncture the tires. During the automobile assault, Henderson attempted to block things that she threw at him, including a knife, leaving him with a bloody hand and injuries. The argument began when Henderson was told by multiple people that Woodland was cheating on their relationship, so he came to their shared apartment to gather his belongings. Upset that he was leaving, Woodland reportedly went on a rampage. She is charged with vandalism and felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Martez Bell assaults girlfriend, shows her where he plans to kill her, breaks her arm while shoving her in trunk

This isn’t a scene from a movie, but it could be. Police say 37-year-old Martez Bell was riding in his car on River Road with his girlfriend, Brittany Garrett. They two were having a disagreement when he grabbed her throat to strangle her while repeating that he was going to kill her. He then pulled onto a side road and stated this was where she was going to die. He stopped the car and pulled her out of the vehicle, and ordered her into the trunk.

She resisted and refused and was able to get back inside the car and lock him out. As she fled in the car, Bell jumped onto the hood. Brittany instinctively stomped the brakes, causing Bell to fall off the vehicle, allowing her to flee the scene and call 911. She suffered a broken arm as a result of Bell attempting to force her into the trunk.

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Misty Fain assaults husband as he “falls out” of car in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the downtown district observed David Moore suddenly fall out of the passenger seat of a vehicle driven by his wife, 45-year-old Misty Fain, at the intersection of Korean Veterans Blvd & Hermitage Ave. As he fell out of the vehicle, she put the vehicle in park, then drove forward a few feet, then repeated this a few times until officers activated their emergency equipment, at which time she fled the scene at a high rate of speed, leaving her husband on the ground in the middle of an intersection. The victim explained he was originally driving when they began to argue over the directions to Boot Barn. As the argument escalated, he stopped the car and scooted to the passenger seat as his wife walked around and got in the driver’s seat. At some point, she was yelling and screaming and began to hit and assault him, breaking his glasses. He called 911 and she demanded he exit the car, and he ended up on the ground. Officers documented multiple cuts, scrapes, and scratches to the victim’s face, and broken glasses.

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Tourist Heather Burke punches husband, gives him a bloody nose, gets a $100 bond.

35-year-old Heather Marie Burke and her husband, Brad Burke, are visiting Nashville from Wisconsin and staying in an AirBNB on Sigler Street. Metro Nashville Police responded to the residence early Thursday morning for a domestic disturbance. Heather told police she punched her husband in the face, leaving him with a bloody nose. She stated that he had her cell phone and she wanted it back, and she also took his phone. Heather’s shirt was bloody as a result of the blood coming from the victim’s nose upon impact from her fist.

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America Michel beat ex-boyfriend with passport, poured shaken soda on him

21-year-old America Michel Xiqui-Vega says she stopped working at the Viva Market on Monday due to the toxic relationships with her co-workers, which included her ex-boyfriend, Alder Pablo-Pascual. She returned to the store Tuesday to speak with the manager, and her ex, Pablo, was working. She became upset with him, shook a soda bottle she was carrying, poured it all over her ex, then took out her passport and began slapping him with it. Store security video captured the entire incident. She is charged with domestic assault.

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Porshia Buchanan doesn’t accept relationship is over, attacks lover & rips her bra, breaks coffee table, destroys kitchen

34-year-old Porshia Buchanan has been in a relationship with Santarius Bradford for “several years,” according to a police report, until recently, when Ms. Bradford ended the relationship. Ms. Buchanan, however, did not end the relationship and continues to threaten her ex-lover. Police say Buchanan walked into Bradford’s apartment and assaulted her, grabbing her by the shirt and tearing her bra, breaking the living room table, and pouring water onto the couch. She then swiped everything off the kitchen counters and table, telling the victim she’d have a male friend “get her.”

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Gayland Thompson charged in brutal strangulation of girlfriend in Antioch

28-year-old Gayland Thompson is charged with the aggravated assault/strangulation of his girlfriend, Ashleigh Dotson. She says Gayland became upset when he observed her get a ride to his apartment in a vehicle that he did not recognize. He demanded to search her phone, and she refused. Gayland then reportedly shoved her on top of a bed and sat on top of her while using his right hand to choke her until she couldn’t breathe for several seconds, demanding her phone the entire time. She eventually kicked him off the bed momentarily until he stood back up and punched her on the legs, chest, and arms, causing significant bruising and injuries. She sought treatment at the hospital; however, MNPD was unable to send any officers, causing her to return home to call to make a report, at which time a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Louisiana Tourist Amos Bennett admits to assaulting wife in downtown Nashville Hotel

54-year-old Amos Bennett and his wife, Katie Bennett, were visiting Nashville this weekend from Louisiana when Metro Nashville Police responded to their room at the Drury Hotel downtown for a domestic disturbance call. Amos met officers as they arrived and stated he became upset with his wife and kicked her in the knee while she was sitting on the ground. Officers entered the room and found his wife sitting on the ground, crying in pain with an obvious injury. She was transported to centennial for treatment, and Amos was transported to booking, where he was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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Stefon Bristol charged in repeated assault of his fiancée

Justine Armijo says she was having an argument on Saturday afternoon with her fiancé, 23-year-old Stefon Bristol. Armijo says Stefon grabbed her by the chin during the argument and began to yell at her. She asked him to stop because she still had bruises from their last incident. He reportedly stopped but then pulled her from the bed onto the floor and punched her in the chest. She says he then slapped her in the face before he left the apartment to go to work.

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Lauren Roberts jailed after assault of husband at Opryland Hotel in Nashville

36-year-old Lauren Roberts from North Carolina is charged with the domestic assault of her husband at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel after she grabbed him by the neck and scratched him as he attempted to catch her amid a drunken stumbling fall. She screamed out, “I don’t need your help!” Responding officers noticed the victim, Zachary Roberts, to be bleeding and have injuries to his neck. The two were drinking near the Cascades and had taken the elevator to the wrong floor in the search for their hotel room. Lauren refused to make any statements to officers and was determined to be the primary aggressor.

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