Woman assaults boyfriend over amount of food in house during COVID19 pandemic

a 46-year-old Nashville woman is now jailed with an ICE-Detainer hold, after a 911 hang-up call brought police to an Antioch home, where they found she repeatedly punched her boyfriend in the face until he was bloody, due to an argument over the amount of food in the house.

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Nashville Firefighter resigns amid underage sex allegations; Army is investigating

Benjamin Seth Powers has resigned from the Nashville Fire Department amid the publication of underage sex allegations from court records. He has since requested that the court suspend his child support payments since he no longer has any income. More recently, he is accused of running a vehicle off the road with a neighborhood child inside it, and now the U.S. Army Reserve has launched an investigation into his actions.

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Victim tells police she can “handle the beatings”, abuser says “she’s on punishment, she’s not going anywhere”

39-year-old Braden Barry remains jailed on a $10,000 bond, charged with aggravated assault with serious bodily injury, after a neighbor noticed his girlfriend appeared to have been beaten. The victim was eventually able to whisper for someone to call the police, after Barry said his girlfriend was “on punishment” and not going anywhere.

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Metro Police charge woman with domestic assault for throwing glass of milk on boyfriend

Metro Nashville Police charged 41-year-old Emily Roussel with domestic assault (offensive/provocative conduct) after she threw a glass of milk on her boyfriend because he “said something mean to her” during an argument about taking time off for her birthday.

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72-year-old man charged with assault of wife after Sunday church

72-year-old David Aldous is charged with the domestic assault of his wife. The couple was at Cici’s Pizza after church on Sunday, when she says he became aggressive. They later tried to get out of the car, at which time she says David struck her. He is free on a $1,500 cash bond.

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Nashville man threw dog, then ex-girlfriend, out front door, police say

25-year-old Raemon ‘Raebardo’ Randolph was served with a domestic assault warrant Monday, which detailed allegations he grabbed his ex-girlfriend’s dog and threw it out the front door, then pushed his ex-girlfriend out the same door, and locked it.

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