Ft. Campbell soldier Alani Diaz slaps girlfriend into oven, calling her a slut & whore, per report

Caroline Minich says she was giving 24-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Alani Diaz a back rub when he confronted her and began to call her a “wh–e” and a “sl-t”, after having gone through her phone and noticed she had been communicating with other males. She retreated to the kitchen of the West Nashville apartment, and Diaz followed her, continuing to call her names. He then reportedly smacked her across the face with his open palm, sending her crashing into the oven. Police found her bleeding and bruised. Diaz fled the scene before police arrived.

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Woman stands up from toilet, punches husband in face, breaks glasses, per report — Tammy Sullivan

52-year-old Tammy Sullivan is charged with domestic assault after her husband, Kevin Sullivan, says she “stood up from the toilet and punched him in the eye”, breaking his glasses. The couple was reportedly in an argument and Tammy wanted to leave with some friends after she had been drinking and Kevin attempted to take her phone when the assault occurred.

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Woman charged with domestic assault after flipping the “Russian bird” at her roommate — Nina Sukhovetskaya

67-year-old Nina Sukhovetskaya says she got into an argument with a woman who lives with her after the woman would not open her bedroom door to allow her to see inside. Nina reportedly performed the Russian version of “flipping the bird” toward the victim, Amber Davis, who claims Nina’s hand lightly hit her in the nose. She is charged with domestic assault, and free on a $1,000 cash bond.

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