Shardae Bell rips hair from baby daddy’s scalp during child custody exchange

Police responded to the O’Charley’s on Rivergate Parkway and met with 27-year-old Shardae Bell, who advised she had been assaulted by her ex-boyfriend during a child-custody exchange at the location. She says Terrance Jones was removing the child’s shoes and new clothing and dressing her in another set of clothing, as Shardae reportedly didn’t return the new clothes with the child on a prior exchange. She claimed she reached in to grab the child, and Terrance hit her in the face and pulled a gun on her before fleeing the scene.

Terrance returned to the location to also speak with officers, and they immediately noticed he was holding a large piece of his hair that appeared to have been ripped from the scalp, with a visible injury. He explained that as he was changing the child’s clothing, she attacked him and ripped out his hair. Witnesses confirmed that Shardae was the primary aggressor, and her version of events was untrue. After she was in custody, her child randomly spoke and said that her dad was hurt and her mother ripped his hair, without any prompting.

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Meskin Beshili assaults wife after she buys new vehicle without his knowledge

57-year-old Meskin Beshili says his wife, Suad Mustafa, bought a new vehicle without his knowledge. The couple had a verbal argument about the purchase, which escalated when his wife allegedly made a degrading statement about his mother. He says her words upset him, and he “pushed” his wife. During an interview, the victim states Meskin grabbed her by the arms and, pushed her to the couch, then slapped her in the face. Officers documented two injuries on her arm from the assault.

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Marcel Labib strangles husband who wouldn’t help her change a flat tire

31-year-old Marcel Labib is accused of putting her husband, Youssef Shawk, in a rear choke hold until he was unable to breathe and scratching at his face when he refused to come to her aid with a flat tire. When she called him to help her, as she was stranded, he reminded her of his “hand injury” and advised her to call a tow truck instead. After the tire was fixed and she returned home, Marcel reminded Youssef that she cooks, cleans, and takes care of the home and that he could at least attempt to help her. He says she was irate and came at him, scratching at his face. As he attempted to shield his face, he says she put him in a rear choke hold, preventing him from breathing. The assault occurred in front of their two minor children, who attempted to separate their parents. Marcel is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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Kelexis Batson charged after jumping her cousin at Nashville gas station

Metro Nashville Police say 19-year-old Kelexis Batson, along with several other women, showed up at a North Nashville gas station where her cousin, Taylor Conyers, was pumping gas. As the women exited their vehicle, Conyers was fearful and locked herself inside her vehicle. Batson and Conyers had an ongoing dispute about “some words said about Batson’s daughter,” according to police. Video from the store shows Batson then jumped on the hood of the victim’s vehicle while yelling and screaming while the other women surrounded it. Conyers eventually exited the vehicle, and the two fought. Officers arrived and took Batson into custody, charging her with domestic assault.

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John Ballard jailed on outstanding warrant, charged with assault of his wife

36-year-old John Ballard was jailed Tuesday on an outstanding warrant charging him with an earlier domestic assault of his wife. The victim, Lindsay-Rae Millard, says she was currently living at a different residence when John arrived unexpectedly. When she responded to the knocking on the door, she says he barged through and entered the home uninvited. He reportedly grabbed her and slammed her head into a wall, injuring her. A warrant was issued for his arrest. After he was booked Tuesday, he was released on his own recognizance.

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Chazz Brown holds girlfriend in a bearhug so she can’t leave

Jonasia Mitchell says she was trying to leave the apartment she shares with 26-year-old Chazz Brown on November 19th after an argument when Brown “grabbed her in a bear hug” to prevent her from leaving. She says that wild maintaining that hold, he tossed her around the house and then took possession of her phone. During an interview, Brown told police he did restrain her, as he didn’t want her to leave, but denied throwing her around, punching, or kicking her. He also admitted to taking her phone. Officers documented a small cut on the victim and a video of a scuffle.

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Jaime Lyons charged in brutal assault of girlfriend

Metro Nashville Police met with Rose Suttle, who presented with multiple bruises on her face and arms and stated she was beaten by her now ex-boyfriend, 47-year-old Jaime Lyons. She states she went into her living room, and the next thing she remembers, she was waking up and being dragged down her hallway by Lyons. She says she made multiple attempts to escape, and all were met with her being slammed into walls throughout the home. Lyons was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury and is free on a $10,000 bond.

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Jeffrey Gingrich charged in assault of ex-boyfriend as he gets on top and punches him

54-year-old Jeffrey Gingrich is charged with punching his former lover, Charlton Hollars, in the face and their shared residence Wednesday evening. Mr. Hollars says he was sitting on the couch when Gingrich approached him aggressively with his chest puffed out and punched him out, causing him to fall to the ground. He says Gingrich then got on top of him and continued to face-punch him multiple times. Officers observed multiple bruises and marks on the victim consistent with the assault.

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Taylor Warren assaults husband with birthday cake, a pistol, and her fists, per report

Police say 20-year-old Taylor Dawn Warren threw a birthday cake at her husband, Robert Wayne Warren, in a church parking lot, then punched him in the face and pulled a maroon handgun, and pistol-whipped him. She had met her husband, who was with his friend Samuel Mei, at the Church as she was upset that he went hunting early in the morning, and she had baked a cake for his birthday. When she assaulted him with the gun, he disarmed her, and Sammy held onto the gun and turned it over to officers who met Robert and Sam nearby after they fled the scene. Taylor met with officers and stated she was angry with her husband and admitted to the assault with the cake, but claimed the maroon gun was not hers.

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Charles Harville charged in assault of juvenile on Halloween

25-year-old Charles Austin Harville was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on outstanding warrants charging him with the Halloween assault of a juvenile victim, his girlfriend’s sister. The victim was in her room talking to a friend when she said Harville entered the room, demanding to know who she was speaking to, then took her phone and broke it. He reportedly “bucked up” to the victim before shoving her. She fell from the impact and suffered a bruise on her right shoulder and neck. A few moments later, Harville reportedly attacked her a second time while she was on the floor. Witnesses say he came up behind her and placed his arms around her neck in an attempt to strangle her. Harville fled the apartment before police could arrive, so warrants were issued for his arrest.

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Tourist Whitney Busse charged in assault of her boyfriend during Nashville trip

43-year-old Whitney Ann Busse is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Ryan Langwald, during their trip to Nashville this week. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Drury Inn in downtown Nashville to find Ryan injured, and he explained the couple was in a verbal argument which escalated when he attempted to leave the location to de-escalate the situation. He says as he attempted to leave, Whitney blocked the door and pushed him into the deadbolt, causing a cut on his arm when he attempted to reach around her to open the door. Whitney says he was just trying to leave to go party, and she didn’t want him to miss his work meeting the next morning.

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Lovers lash out, unable to find a stripper to spend money on — Adrianna Scivally, arrested

21-year-old Adrianna Scivally and Joshiana Moore have been lovers for the past six years but are currently broken up, though they still live together. Early Saturday morning, the two were at Deja Vu on Church Street in Nashville, where they decided to spend their money on a specific dancer that they both had an interest in. However, when they couldn’t find that specific stripper, Scivally became irate and began to push and hit her on-again/off-again lover. She retrieved an iPad from the vehicle and hit the victim in the head with it, leaving a significant bruise on the victim. The two then had a fistfight in the parking lot until police arrived.

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Jordan Benderson charged in assault of his girlfriend on TSU Campus

19-year-old Jordan Benderson told TSU Campus police he was in an argument with his girlfriend, Daijane Smith, and she bit his left inner bicep. The argument reportedly started when she received a phone call from another male, causing Benderson to want to see her phone. She then grabbed Benderson’s phone and ran into the bathroom with it. As she looked through his phone, she found multiple text messages that she believed showed he was cheating on her. She went outside and smashed his phone on the steering wheel of her car. She says Benderson strangled her in the car, and she only bit him in self-defense. She also admitted to getting a knife and threatening to slash his tires. Officers determined Jordan Benderson to be the primary aggressor for the strangulation and took him into custody.

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Tourist Heather Burke punches husband, gives him a bloody nose, gets a $100 bond.

35-year-old Heather Marie Burke and her husband, Brad Burke, are visiting Nashville from Wisconsin and staying in an AirBNB on Sigler Street. Metro Nashville Police responded to the residence early Thursday morning for a domestic disturbance. Heather told police she punched her husband in the face, leaving him with a bloody nose. She stated that he had her cell phone and she wanted it back, and she also took his phone. Heather’s shirt was bloody as a result of the blood coming from the victim’s nose upon impact from her fist.

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Bruce Castille-Johnson charged in two assaults of ex-girlfriend at their home

54-year-old Bruce Johnson-Castille was booked into jail this week on two outstanding domestic violence warrants where his ex-girlfriend, Sharee Shanklin, was the victim. A September 9th incident alleges Bruce threatened to punch her in the face while they were in the backyard and invited her into the house so he could “beat her ass inside.” She says he then lunged at her, causing her to fall and sustain injuries. On October 15th, she says Bruce suddenly grabbed her by the shirt, threw her to the ground, and punched her multiple times in her face and across her body.

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Ronaldo Morris charged in assault of alleged lover who says he saw him with a woman

Police arrived at the South Nashville apartment of 20-year-old Ronaldo Morris and Jason Tyrese Daley in the early hours of Sunday morning to a report of the two fighting. Daley told police the two are lovers and in a dating relationship; however, Morris denied that and said the two are simply just roommates. Daley stated they got into an argument in his bedroom after he saw Morris with a woman. The argument escalated when Morris reportedly pushed Daley in the face and scratched him on the hands and neck. A video recording captured the incident and shows the victim backing away while Morris assaults him multiple times. and officers documented a cut on the victim’s lip, hand, and neck.

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Tourist Richard Anthony says someone else must have assaulted his girlfriend in their hotel room — #ItWasntMe

Crystal Meyer reported that her boyfriend, 46-year-old Richard Allen Anthony, slapped her and gouged her eye before he left their hotel room at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, where they were visiting from Oklahoma. Metro Nashville Police arrived, and officers documented swelling on the victim, and her eye was red. Officers located Anthony, who told them nothing happened and “perhaps she got into it with someone else after I left the room.” Hotel security checked the cameras, and no one entered or left other than Anthony.

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Nurse Jazmine Russell leaves boyfriend with injuries after domestic assault

29-year-old Jazmine Nicole Russell is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury of her boyfriend of two years, Seth Larson, after a neighbor called police about the commotion coming from their apartment. Police separated both parties, and Seth explained he was in bed and Jazmine was in the living room when she went through her phone and became upset, accusing him of lying. She then began to strike his back and neck, leaving visible injuries. Jazmine told police she only grabbed him to keep him from walking away when she talked to him. Though Seth did dot not want to prosecute, due to the injuries and the domestic relationship, Jazmine was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

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Marcus Dillard jailed after driving over girlfriend with his Buick Encore

A neighbor reported to police that she observed 27-year-old Marcus Dillard strike his girlfriend, Toni Petties, in the face during an altercation and then drive over her with his vehicle as he fled the Madison Flats on October 10th. Police arrived as the victim was being transported to the hospital, so they followed her to Skyline to continue the interview. Petties explained she and Dillard were pushing and shoving each other as they arrived at the apartment complex, and things escalated as he threw her belonging out of the car. There was more pushing and shoving, and then as she was outside of the vehicle, he used the vehicle to run over her body. Officers documented bruising to her abdomen and scratches on her neck.

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Wilfredo Lebron bites brother’s thigh & bicep, squeezes his genitals during latest argument

In the continued dispute between two brothers, 41-year-old Wilfredo Lebron is now on the other end of the situation and finds himself jailed – the same place his brother, Justin Lebron, was in just days ago. In today’s incident, Wilfredo came into the Sohano apartment and began to argue with Justin, lunging toward him twice, then biting him once on the left bicep and again on the left thigh. Justin says his brother then squeezed his b*lls and ripped a necklace from his neck.

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April Keen: “He better not bond me out, or I’ll beat him again!”

38-year-old April Keen is charged with the domestic assault of her husband, Homer Keen. He says he was asleep in their room at the Red Roof Inn when she suddenly jumped on top of him, yelling and hitting him. Officers documented injuries to the victim’s face, nose, right eye, and blood around his left ear. April’s clothing was blood-covered, and she stated she didn’t know how it got there. During her transport to booking, she stated, “he better not come bond me out, or I will beat his ass again.”

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Louisiana Tourist Amos Bennett admits to assaulting wife in downtown Nashville Hotel

54-year-old Amos Bennett and his wife, Katie Bennett, were visiting Nashville this weekend from Louisiana when Metro Nashville Police responded to their room at the Drury Hotel downtown for a domestic disturbance call. Amos met officers as they arrived and stated he became upset with his wife and kicked her in the knee while she was sitting on the ground. Officers entered the room and found his wife sitting on the ground, crying in pain with an obvious injury. She was transported to centennial for treatment, and Amos was transported to booking, where he was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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