Ari Shukri jailed after sending ex-wife harassing text messages

Nazdar Taher says her ex-husband, 23-year-old Ari Shukri, continues to harass her via text messages despite bond conditions from an order of protection violation which state he isn’t to have any contact with her. On June 24th he sent over ten consecutive messages each of which called her derogatory names such as “h*e” and “sl-t” causing her to be in fear and in emotional distress.

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Teen jailed after kicking father when told to keep the noise down — Kaden Shepherd

18-year-old Kaden Shepherd was booked into the Metro Nasvhille Jail after his father, Shawn Shepherd, called police to report his son had “attacked him after telling him to keep the noise down”. Kaden had already fled the scene when officers arrived but his father explained he was trying to sleep and his son was on Zoom with several other teams and was being so loud that he could hear him in the other room. When he told him to keep it down, Kaden reportedly told him it was none of his business before eventually kicking his father in the shin several times.

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Sara Evans filed for divorce prior to Jay Barker’s arrest for attempting to run over her with a vehicle

Musician Sara Evans Barker filed for divorce from former football quarterback and radio personality Harry ‘Jay’ Jerome Barker in August of 2021, citing “irreconcilable differences and inappropriate marital conduct”. Jay was not participating in court proceedings, and Sara’s lawyer last month requested a Nashville Judge to enter a default judgment, granting the divorce according to the terms of their 2008 marriage agreement, which would leave both parties as they came to the marriage, with no additional monies or assets granted to either party upon divorce, and removing either party from any asset claims or distribution upon the death of either party if a divorce occurred.

On January 15th, Metro Nashville Police arrested Harry ‘Jay’ Jerome Barker, charging him with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after they say he got into his vehicle and drove in reverse at a high rate of speed in an attempt to ram a vehicle in which his estranged wife, Sara Evans, was a passenger.

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Wife drags husband out of home to evict him, steps over his injured body to go back inside — Kristian Dukes

Metro Police say 49-year-old Kristian Dukes grabbed her sleeping husband, Brandon Burgett, under his arms and dragged him off the couch and out the door, dropping him onto the ground as she stepped over his injured body on her way back inside. Police documented multiple bruises and lacerations to the victim’s body, and blood on his left foot, which she had attempted to shut in the door. Dukes initially denied ever touching the victim, but later admitted to the struggle, adding she was intoxicated.

The victim states Dukes has been attempting to evict him from the property for a period of time.

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Man walks in on wife while she’s Facetiming a naked man from their daughter’s room — Abel Aguilar

32-year-old faces a domestic assault charge after he reportedly walked in on his wife (they are married, but separated) in their daughter’s room while she was Facetiming with a man who was exposing himself. He grabbed the phone to speak to the man, and ultimately tossed it to the ground, destroying it. Over the course of the next two days, there were multiple arguments, and Abel says his wife pushed him against a wall while acting belligerently and screaming, then called police on him.

His wife then called police to report that she returned home from work to find all of her belongings in the common living room, and as she began to move them back into other rooms of the home, she says he pushed her, she pushed him back, at which time he punched her in the eye and broke her glasses. Aguilar is charged with two counts of vandalism and domestic assault. He is free on a $2,000 cash bond.

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“Til death do us part…” says woman as she kidnaps her wife at gunpoint & strangles her — Alexia Dunn arrested

28-year-old Alexia Dunn is charged with the aggravated kidnapping and strangulation of her wife, Quenticia, after accusing her of having a new lover while the couple is preparing to finalize their divorce. Court records indicated she pulled a handgun on her wife and stated “we gonna die tonight, till death do us part!”, grabbed her by the neck and pressed her against a wall until she went limp, smashed her phone so she was unable to call for help, and when she was able to escape to ask a neighbor for help, Alexia physically picked her up and forced her back inside the residence. Alexia Dunn is free on a $35,000 bond.

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Drunk woman texts ‘POW POW!’ threat, storms front door, falls on sidewalk, lays there until police arrive — Angie Chapman

49-year-old Angie Chapman, who is in the middle of a heated divorce, decided to track her husband down Tuesday night at his brother’s home, just a few streets over. She sent texts on the way over, stating “Do you remember how to shoot? I do!”… and “POW POW!”. Once she arrived, she texted him to “look out your window, a–hole” so she could “zero in”. She stormed the front porch, opened the storm door, and attempted to push her way into the home, but the homeowner pushed her back out the door, causing her to fall down the steps, firmly plopping her body on the sidewalk below, where she remained laying until police arrived. They took her into custody while she screamed “I will come back and get them!”. A loaded Smith & Wesson revolver was located in her front passenger seat, and she was extremely intoxicated. Police only charged her with misdemeanor aggravated trespass, and she posted a $2,500 cash bond after being booked. She recently removed $40,000 from the joint checking account, which has been a contentious point during the divorce proceedings.

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Woman strikes ex-husband’s skull with frying pan, holds child’s school binder hostage —Kaysie Oys arrested

Just days after their divorce was finalized, police say 31-year-old Kaysie Oys used a frying pan to assault her newly divorced husband, locally loved ‘Jacob the Electrician’ Palmer, with a frying pan to the back of his skull, and again to his arm. She was reportedly being uncooperative with the parenting plan, had picked up their child from his school outside of her authorized day, and was holding his school binder under a faucet in the kitchen, threatening to destroy it when he came to retrieve the child from her home.

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Nick La Mattina runs wife off road, breaks into home, tears down door, destroys bedroom

Nashville Jail Monday on outstanding warrants from an August incident in which he is alleged to have run his soon-to-be ex-wife off the road, followed her to her home where he doesn’t live, broke into the home, followed her up a set of stairs, tore down a door and threw it down the stairs, then destroyed the bedroom while the victim was locked in a nearby bathroom. His mother arrived at the home and scared him away from the premises, and warrants were issued for his arrest. He is free on an $18,000 bond.

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Pilgrimage Festival Co-Founder Kevin Griffin’s Divorce: Affairs, Drugs, Money & the Festival

Of the many interesting findings, in a 61-page final divorce decree, was the information revealed about the finances of the company that presents The Pilgrimage Festival, Pilgrimage Presents, LLC. The judge found Pilgrimage Presents, LLC has ‘no value’, citing “Pilgrimage Presents, LLC, had a shareholder equity of negative $1,885,855, as of December 31, 2017, and a substantially greater amount as of December 31st, 2018, due to the loss experienced in 2018.

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Beaman Divorce: $15,000 per month in child support?

#BeamanDivorce Lee Beaman says he’ll pay $2100/month in child support, cover the child’s private school tuition, and an extra $750/month for extracurricular activities. Kelley says there’s simply no way she can maintain the 13-year-old’s lifestyle and meet his needs for less than $15,000/month in child support payments. Who will win?

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Lee Beaman Taped Sex with Prostitutes, Made Wife Watch to ‘Train Her’ on How To Please Him

#BeamanDivorce: Nashville’s hottest divorce case just dropped some bombshells. Scoop: Nashville got first access to filings late Thursday afternoon, and Lee Beaman’s pornographic proclivities that Kelly Beaman has attested to in her brief before Monday’s trial… out city isn’t prepared for.

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