Tourist charged with underage drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville — Lane McAlister

Just before 2 a.m. on a Saturday in October, Metro Nashville Police were approached about a 20-year-old tourist from Arkansas who was openly drinking alcoholic drinks at 312 Broadway. The minor, identified as Lane McAlister, admitted to the underage drinking and was issued a citation charging him with underage drinking at 1:47 a.m. and the officers went about their nightly duties. The district attorney, however, refused to continue the prosecution and nolled the case once he was processed on the charge.

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D.A.’s office will prosecute passenger, but not off-duty officer, on identical charge

Today marks the point of no return for the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. Today is the day they define two clear and distinct paths for prosecuting crimes in Nashville – one for police, and one for citizens.
Two people in the same car got charged with identical crimes. One was an off-duty cop, whose charges the D.A. refused to prosecute. The passenger, a citizen with no priors, will be prosecuted in a Nashville courtroom this morning at 9 a.m. by the same D.A.’s office, for the same charge.

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No charges filed in Antioch shooting death of Alijah Williams, 18

Metro Police say they won’t be filing charges at this time in the Christmas day shooting death of 18-year-old Alijah Williams, on Creekview Drive. Williams was shot and killed by 19-year-old Montarius Bean on the front porch, then went to his car, where he died.

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