Jack McCloski takes meth & runs naked downtown to “protest drug dealers”

Metro Nashville Police observed 22-year-old Jack McCloski running naked through the parking lot of McDonald’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early morning daylight hours of Saturday morning. They caught up with him behind the 7-Eleven, still naked. McCloski explained to officers he was “protesting drug dealers in the area” as the reason he was nude. He refused all medical treatment from EMS, and admitted to taking a “white powder” earlier in the morning, which he believed to be meth.

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Patron punches Nashville Underground bouncer “square in the face” — Timothy Basford

36-year-old Tim Basford was kicked out of Nashville Underground, and as security officer Joshua Siragusa was escorting him out of the venue and onto the sidewalk, Basford turned and punched Siragusa “square in the face” with his fist. Police responded to the scene, and the victim wanted to press charges. As Basford was too intoxicated to receive a citation, he was taken into custody for both the assault and public intoxication.

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Man to police: “The only way I’m leaving is if you take me to jail” — Cody Leonard, arrested.

21-year-old Cody Leonard got into an argument downtown when someone called his brother a derogatory term. Police got everyone to calm down and agree to go their separate ways, except Cody. Cody stated: “The only way I’m leaving is if you take me to jail”. Officers obliged, and booked him on a charge of public intoxication.

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Nashville Police charge man with felony for burning tiniest amount of weed he was smoking

While Nashville neighbors waited over 6 hours for a police response Saturday night, #MNPD Officer Daniel Russett noticed a man smoking marijuana downtown, yelled “Stop, drop what you got” and then charged him with a felony when he lit the tiny amount of weed on fire and burned it before the officer could reach him.

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20-year-old kicked out of Piranha’s Bar returns with gun to pistol whip & threaten victims

Martin Yosry Eskander (Abdalla), 20, is free on a $68,000 bond after police say he was kicked out of Piranha’s Bar, only to return with a firearm, pistol whip a victim, and threaten to shoot others as he yet again returned to the location in a vehicle.

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