Andrew Delke’s Jailcation: 13 movie rentals, 20 games bought, 55 songs downloaded: $2,973 on his books

During week 2 of Andrew Delke’s 3-year incarceration for killing Daniel Hambrick, the former MNPD Officer spent $146 on 20 games to play on his jail-provided tablet, $91 renting 13 movies, and spent $133 downloading music to listen to. He began the week with $2,973 on his books.

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UNSEALED: Delke’s attorney secretly testified on behalf of D.A. Glenn funk prior to being offered unusual 3-year plea

The world was shocked when MNPD Officer Andrew Delke was suddenly offered a 3-year plea deal for the on-duty murder of Daniel Hambrick. Hambrick’s family wasn’t even consulted on the terms. What wasn’t known at the time was that Delke’s attorney, David Raybin, had testified on behalf of Glenn Funk in his own case previously, keeping him out of some serious ethical trouble – and making this sudden sweetheart deal seem even more unusual. Funk likely assumed no one would find out about the prior beneficial relationship because that case wasn’t available to the public – until now.

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BREAKING: Andrew Delke indicted by Grand Jury – case will proceed to criminal court

BREAKING: the Grand Jury just returned an indictment charging Andrew Delke with First Degree Murder for the fatal shooting of Daniel Hambrick. The case will now proceed in the Criminal Court of Davidson County.

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The Daniel Hambrick Murder: How it Happened (Full Homicide Warrant Details)

MNPD Officer Andrew Delke was following a car, trying to find a reason to make a traffic stop. He lost it – and misidentified another car as his target. This misidentification would lead to the death of Daniel Hambrick after Officer Delke fired four shots at Hambrick, striking his spine, torso, and through the back of his skull. Here’s what we learned today.

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