Woman charged with biting baby’s daddy, attacking him with a drawerful of knives — Hailey Rigsby

Dylan Davis says the mother of his child, 29-year-old Hailey Rigsby, was attempting to start a verbal argument, however, he refused to respond or give her a reaction, so she began to grab at him in an aggressive manner. In order to prevent her from injuring him, he says he wrapped his arms around her in a burrito-style hold and she bit him on the arm. She then moved around and threw a drawerful of knives and forks at him, and used a knife to cut him on the face. She was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and police documented multiple injures, including a bite mark, on the victim.

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Woman charged with spraying ‘smelly chemical’ in ex-husband’s truck, she blames her kids — Katrina Shollenberger

33-year-old Katrina Shollenberger is free on a $2,000 bond after being charged with domestic vandalism Sunday and booked into the Metro Nashville Jail. Court records allege she sprayed a chemical inside her ex-husband’s truck making it smell “very bad” after a verbal argument between the two adults. Katrina told police that one of her children sprayed the chemical, that it wasn’t her. She was transported to jail and charged with domestic vandalism.

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Wife assaults husband after they stopped to cool down from a prior argument — Robyn Gist arrested

54-year-old Robyn Gist is charged with domestic assault after she grabbed her husband’s shirt, ripping it, and punched him in the face during an argument at a gas station, where they had stopped to get drinks to cool down after a prior argument. She posted a $1,000 cash bond. The couple, from Cedar Hill, TN, enjoy a shared Facebook account.

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