Circuit Court Clerk Susan Birdwell arrested after submitting fake expungement records to TBI

64-year-old elected Circuit Court Clerk Susan Beth Birdwell, of Clay County, was booked into the Meto Nashville Jail Tuesday after a Grand Jury indicted her on 11 counts related to submitting expunctions/expungement orders to the TBI in order to erase criminal records. She is free on a $5,000 bond, charged with 6 counts of forgery, 2 counts of official misconduct, and 3 counts of tampering with government records.

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Emails reveal Metro Council member conspired with Codes to issue illegal permit for home business

All Metro Council member Russ Pulley had to do was tell his constituent ‘NO’, he wouldn’t help her break the law. Instead, he conspired with codes to issue her an illegal permit to have a business with customers coming to her home – a privilege denied to every other Nashvillian. It turns out ‘NEW’ Nashville is just as corrupt as ‘old’ Nashville.

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