Child Sex Indictment: Metro Cop, Kipp Teacher, Former Joelton Band Director accused with same victim

A Metro Nashville Police Officer, A former Joelton Middle School Band Director (who was more recently a Fisk University Professor), and their friend, who is now a High School Health teacher at Kipp Academy, are all charged with various sex crimes against a boy who was 13-year-old at the first incident, some of which have continued as recent as 2017. All three men are friends at took part in a young mentoring group through a college fraternity. The men are MNPD Officer Corey Reed, 31, Kipp Teacher Derek Calvon Hill, 25, and MavVelous Brown, 30, who is not yet in custody.

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Woman charged in baseball bat assault of her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend when returning child — Yasmine Richarson

24-year-old Yasmine Richardson is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after reportedly showing up to return her boyfriend’s child to the mother, and assaulting her with a baseball bat when she opened the door to let the child inside, then quickly fleeing the scene. The victim, Rakeyah Jones, was not expecting Yasmine to return the child, as she had just spoken to the child’s father, Ladon Giddens, about him dropping the child off. Richardson is free on a $1,500 bond.

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