Florida Man charged with DUI on way to a concert in Nashville — Stephen Reck arrested

38-year-old Stephen Reck had a flat tire and pulled onto the side of the interstate — and a short time later a TDOT assistance vehicle arrived to help the stranded motorist. While helping the citizen, the TDOT employee noticed Reck was visibly intoxicated and notified police. Reck told responding officers he was on his way to a concert and admitted to drinking prior to driving. He would later blow a 0.234% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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DUI Arrest: woman rolls vehicle multiple times after concert

Metro Nashville Police say 24-year-old Paige Goff had just left a concert Thursday night when she got into her 2007 Scion drunk, and rolled the vehicle multiple times in a crash on Briley Parkway.

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KISS Arrest: Woman charged with slapping boyfriend in face at KISS Concert

45-year-old Erin A. Savage told police she did open-hand slap her boyfriend of 18 months during a verbal argument at last night’s KISS concert, at which time off-duty officers detained her. The victim told police he was slapped, but did not wish to prosecute, and had no visible injuries, however the police prosecuted on his behalf.

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