VIDEO: MNPD Detective decommissioned after assaulting a homeless man on a public street

The Metro Nashville Police Department has decommissioned Detective William Thorowgood after he assaulted a homeless man on a public roadway outside his home, who he claimed was littering. He attacks the man, knocking him to the ground and placing a knee on his chest while telling him he’s detained and he would be in cuffs if he had them with him. Thorowgood, who has been with the department for ten years and served as a Fraud Detective, reported the incident to his supervisor on Monday, December 12, and was decommissioned the same day. After the assault in the video [full 17 minutes included in the story], Thorowgood calls 911 and reports the homeless man is armed and advancing toward him, both of which the video shows to be untrue. This is a developing story.

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Nashville’s Brenda Ross: Arrested. Stalking. Pics in a Swingers club. Orders of protection. Friend of the Mayor. Friend of Funk.

67-year-old Brenda Ross has been involved in more entanglements in the last two months than some folks experience in two decades. In March, Jacinta West received an order of protection against Ross after she said Ross, who was one of the first members of Nashville’s Police Community Oversight Board, stalked her. The two share a circle of friends, some of who warned that Ross had posted on social media alluding she was going o fuck them up and that she was “going to get them.” West says Ross then followed and chased her one night at might as she was picking up a friend, even pulling up beside her and yelling curse words at her. Previously in January, Ross reportedly grabbed West’s wrist while at a nightclub. West states she remains in fear of Ross, and her “political ties” only make the situation worse. Ross is an East Nashvillian who has served on several mayoral-appointed commissions over the years and can be found hobnobbing with the city’s elite on any given night of the week. Ross was jailed on Monday for violating one of the many current orders of protection. She is free on a $1,500 bond.

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MNPD isn’t apologizing for arresting citizens on a felony charge repealed 2 years ago

Metro Nashville Police Public Affairs Manager Don Aaron says Officer Ronald Bright “acted in good faith” when, in June of 2021, he arrested a citizen and charged with them with felony “habitual motor offender”, a law that was repealed by the state legislature over two years ago which carried a punishment of up to 6 years in prison. A magistrate even signed the warrant, jailed the citizen, and required them to post a large cash bond to get out of jail – on a charge that no longer existed. Scoop: Nashville learned this scenario has played out over 20 times in the last 17 months, leaving citizens at a loss for the money spent for high cash bond amounts, towing/storage fees, public humiliation, lost wages & jobs, and other expenses due to the invalid arrests.

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City set to pay MNPD Officer Monica Blake $150,000 after retaliating against her for social media posts

The Metro Nashville Police Department retaliated against Officer Monica Blake for her social media posts, which included her support of the Community Oversight Board – now Metro is set to pay her $150,000.00 to settle the claim.

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Councilman Russ Pulley asked inappropriate question during Oversight interview, nominee says [VIDEO]

Arnold Hayes says Metro Council member Russ Pulley ask inappropriate question(s) during his Oversight Interview. Metro Council members were caught in a hot-mic moment with the Vice Mayor discussing damage control of the incident. Here’s the letter that Hayes wrote to Metro Council, in response to the incident, where Pulley discounted that racism exists in the criminal justice system, and suggested Hayes never experienced any racial profiling in his past.

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BREAKING: Nashville gets community oversight of police department

The people of Nashville have spoken, loud and clear. Referendum 1 on today’s ballot has passed, and Nashville will get a Community Oversight Board for the Metro Nashville Police Department – despite the wishes of the police, the Mayor, and the FOP, who spent over a half-million dollars on deceptive ads in an attempt to overcome the wish of the citizens of Nashville.

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What’s a 3rd Shift MNPD Officer Do All Night? Snapchat Women & Complain of Boredom.

One of MNPD’s new officers, sworn to ‘protect and serve’ spent dozens of hours during a recent overnight rotation, serving his personal interests, of posting to social media about how boring his MNPD job was, how he couldn’t stay awake, and finding women to snapchat him while he patrolled Midtown.

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